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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 04:27 PM
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uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

Can it be done, yes no? if so how thanksz
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Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
when i show my EVO to iphone users they go wow loook at the big screen
then i go watch this..
i can hold my phone anyway a want and calls dont drop..

Last edited by PhyscoAssassinx; 06-05-2010 at 05:11 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

Originally Posted by PhyscoAssassinx View Post
Can it be done, yes no? if so how thanksz
Read THIS thoroughly. If you do not complete all steps, this won't work. Period.

This updated how-to teaches you how to remove the Sprint bloatware directly from your phone without using the SDK. If you prefer the old SDK method, those instructions can be found HERE.

WARNING: As with doing any hack or mod there comes risk. These instructions are not telling you to do this, rather are giving you the information if you decide to do this

1) Go to the android market and purchase the app Root Explorer. This is a great file explorer that, because its written for rooted devices, will allow you to remove files from system/.

2) Before you touch anything, put your phone in recovery and make a nand backup. I cannot tell you how many times I've borked something and thanks to my backups, I don't need to start from scratch!!!

3) After your successfully made your nand backup, reboot the phone and wait for Android to load. Once its finished loading, open your brand new app, Root Explorer. Super user will ask you to assign the app permissions, select always allow. The app will close its'self the first time you assign it permissions. Just re-open it and from now on your good to go.

4) Inside of Root Explorer, drive to your SD card and make a folder. I suggest naming it something like apk. To do this click Menu> new folder. Now go back to the root directory by click the back button

5) Inside root explorer, from the root directory, drive to system/app.

6) You are now free to delete the apk's and odex files for the apps you wish to remove. I suggest always making a copy of the apk and odex and placing the copy in the folder we created in step 4. This gives you access to all your apk's should you decide you want to add one back but don't want to flash your nand and start over.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE CAREFUL. If you don't know what it is don't remove it!

-Don't remove stock, weather, news, or FriendStream. The widgets should be fine but not the actual apps. They are too deeply integrated into the system and will break things. Some people have not experienced problems while others (including myself) have seen some major issues from removing these. It's best just to avoid.

If you delete an app and want it back:
Go to the folder on your SD card you saved all those apk's and odex's in (you did do that, correct?) and place them back into system/app. If you did make a copy on your SD, then click HERE and get to downloading.
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-A quick thanks always helps!
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Old 06-29-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

Here's the list of ones I get rid of... names are pretty obvious (the wifirouter one is the Sprint Hotspot app and is not needed if you root and use Wifi Tethering for Root instead, preferred)...

rm -f amazonmp3.apk
rm -f amazonmp3.odex
rm -f com.htc.TwitterWidget.apk
rm -f com.htc.TwitterWidget.odex
rm -f HtcFootprints.apk
rm -f HtcFootprints.odex
rm -f HtcFootprintsWidget.apk
rm -f HtcFootprintsWidget.odex
rm -f HTCMobileGuide.apk
rm -f HTCMobileGuide.odex
rm -f HtcNaviPanel.apk
rm -f HtcNaviPanel.odex
rm -f HtcRingtoneTrimmer.apk
rm -f HtcRingtoneTrimmer.odex
rm -f HtcSoundRecorder.apk
rm -f HtcSoundRecorder.odex
rm -f HtcTwitter.apk
rm -f HtcTwitter.odex
rm -f Sprint_App_Updater.apk
rm -f Sprint_NASCAR.apk
rm -f Sprint_Navigation.apk
rm -f Sprint_NFL.apk
rm -f Sprint_Promotion.apk
rm -f Sprint_Qik.apk
rm -f Sprint_TV.apk
rm -f SprintTVWidget.apk
rm -f WifiRouter.apk
rm -f WifiRouter.odex

Obviously if there's something you use, don't remove it! If you have any others that you remove that don't negatively impact the functionality, be sure to post here.
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

I am fully rooted with Toasts method. I tried your method using the app you mentioned. However, when I went to the Market the only app that came up with that name was android mate. I granted superuser permissions to that program. I was able to access the System/App folder. For example, I wanted to delete footprints. I found the four files for footprints, made a copy to the SD card just in case and then deleted them from the System/App file. It said it deleted them successfully. However, when I went back into the list of files to delete something else, I noticed that all four items it said were deleted successfully were back. Am I doing something wrong?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:25 AM
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Re: uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

If you are fully rooted it shouldn't be much of an issue to remove the apps. Boot into Recovery Mode ( on your computer, you can click start--> "run"--> and type "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows reboot recovery" without the quotes. This will boot your phone into recovery.

When your phone has rebooted, click start-->run--> and type
"c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows shell" without quotes and this will bring up a new command screen that will be used to remove the apps.

Next, type these commands:
adb shell
mount /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
cd /system/app

and you are good to begin removing apps with the "rm -f" command GoodThings2Life mentioned in his reply. I hope this helps!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: uninstall Sprint apps on rooted evo? Cant find a Straight Answer

Originally Posted by sjporzio View Post
I am fully rooted with Toasts method. I tried your method using the app you mentioned. However, when I went to the Market the only app that came up with that name was android mate. I granted superuser permissions to that program. I was able to access the System/App folder. For example, I wanted to delete footprints. I found the four files for footprints, made a copy to the SD card just in case and then deleted them from the System/App file. It said it deleted them successfully. However, when I went back into the list of files to delete something else, I noticed that all four items it said were deleted successfully were back. Am I doing something wrong?
1. Make sure you fully rooted and nand
2. Use something like root manager (paid) to remove the app
3. The app will only disappear once you restart the phone
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