Here's the list of ones I get rid of... names are pretty obvious (the wifirouter one is the Sprint Hotspot app and is not needed if you root and use Wifi Tethering for Root instead, preferred)...
rm -f amazonmp3.apk
rm -f amazonmp3.odex
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f HtcFootprints.apk
rm -f HtcFootprints.odex
rm -f HtcFootprintsWidget.apk
rm -f HtcFootprintsWidget.odex
rm -f HTCMobileGuide.apk
rm -f HTCMobileGuide.odex
rm -f HtcNaviPanel.apk
rm -f HtcNaviPanel.odex
rm -f HtcRingtoneTrimmer.apk
rm -f HtcRingtoneTrimmer.odex
rm -f HtcSoundRecorder.apk
rm -f HtcSoundRecorder.odex
rm -f HtcTwitter.apk
rm -f HtcTwitter.odex
rm -f Sprint_App_Updater.apk
rm -f Sprint_NASCAR.apk
rm -f Sprint_Navigation.apk
rm -f Sprint_NFL.apk
rm -f Sprint_Promotion.apk
rm -f Sprint_Qik.apk
rm -f Sprint_TV.apk
rm -f SprintTVWidget.apk
rm -f WifiRouter.apk
rm -f WifiRouter.odex
Obviously if there's something you use, don't remove it! If you have any others that you remove that don't negatively impact the functionality, be sure to post here.