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  #341 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Originally Posted by s4audi View Post
Yeah i do have the stock rom with what seems to be the toast root.. not full, i dont think... I did the first set of instructions on the first post on this thread, to root... so with stock rom i cant wireless tether?? and whats SU icon??
Remember I'm still learning too
The toast root comes in two parts. Part I has been around for a week or so. This allowed a lot of root access with a major limitation of not being able to write to /system.
Part II dropped last night/yesterday and cleared the path to full root.
You need to do both parts for full root. You're halfway there. I'd suggest going all the way. Fast and his tutorial and videos hold your hand and make it as easy as possible.

IMO just rooting is like opening a locked door and then not walking through.

You MIGHT be able to wirelessly tether on stock ROM, I dont know for sure because I went through all the steps of Part I and went right to OMJ's ROM.
From what I've seen a lot of people do not have Superuser on the stock ROM post root. If you dont then you wont be able to run apps that require root access.

SU stands for Superuser. It is the program/app that grants permission to other apps seeking root access.

The stock ROM was created to run on a non-rooted device. Your best bet is to flash a ROM that was created WITH root in mind. Everything just flows better. This could be a custom ROM (OMJ hint-hint) or the rooted version of stock.
Grab the rooted stock ROM here:
Hope that helps.

Anyone please feel free to school me on anything I've said.

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  #342 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Does rooting void your insurance/ warrenty?
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  #343 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Originally Posted by blockburner28 View Post
Does rooting void your insurance/ warrenty?
Yes. But you can un-root before bringing it in for service. Read post #284-#288, we had a little chat about it yesterday.
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  #344 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

I followed these instructions, but my camera won't let me take pics. It says I don't have sufficient permissions for the sd card. I've been able to use other things that require root though. My second problem is that even though it costs 30 dollars to use the sprint hotspot, that's what I was hoping to use. However, whatever device I use to connect will connect but won't have internet access. Why is that? Did I do something wrong? Do I have to use the other free alternatives?
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  #345 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Originally Posted by firefli View Post
I followed these instructions, but my camera won't let me take pics. It says I don't have sufficient permissions for the sd card. I've been able to use other things that require root though. My second problem is that even though it costs 30 dollars to use the sprint hotspot, that's what I was hoping to use. However, whatever device I use to connect will connect but won't have internet access. Why is that? Did I do something wrong? Do I have to use the other free alternatives?
How far through the instructions did you go? Did you stop after achieving root so you are on the stock ROM with just root? I'm 99% sure rooting knocks out the OTA that fixed the SD card issue. Look at Menu>settings>about phone>Software info>software number....does it end in .1 or .6? .1 is pre-OTA=SD card issues. .6 is post-OTA-no SD issues.
If you are on version .1 you need to complete all the steps of Part I (I say go all the way for Part II, full root) and then flash a rooted version of stock ROM, I just posted the link, or go custom. Don't do the OTA, it'll kill root and you'll have to start over.
root does not allow you to use the Sprint Hotspot feature. It does allow you to use an app like Wireless Tether which does the same thing.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 06-15-2010 at 11:04 PM. Reason: typo
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  #346 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 11:09 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
How far through the instructions did you go? Did you stop after achieving root so you are on the stock ROM with just root? I'm 99% sure rooting knocks out the OTA that fixed the SD card issue. Look at Menu>settings>about phone>Software info>software number....does it end in .1 or .6? .1 is pre-OTA=SD card issues. .6 is post-OTA-no SD issues.
If you are on version .1 you need to complete all the steps of Part I (I say go all the way for Part II, full root) and then flash a rooted version of stock ROM, I just posted the link, or go custom. Don't do the OTA, it'll kill root and you'll have to start over.
root does not allow you to use the Sprint Hotspot feature. It does allow you to use an app like Wireless Tether which does the same thing.
I flashed flipz rooted version of the stock Rom and his rooted update. It ends in .6. Thanks for the info on the hotspot. I liked it because of the different types of security. Anyway, I don't seem to have problems writing to my sd card just problems when using the camera.

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  #347 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 11:45 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

do i have root?

So you've followed FastRX8's crystal clear tutorial and/or videos (or went rouge and figured it out on your own) and have achieved root. Now what? How do you know?
The simplest way is to do ALL the steps of Part I. If the PC36IMG.zip runs and updates without error, you're rooted. Still not sure? Then continue to follow the steps listed for recovery and Nand backup. You wont be able to do the recovery and Nand backup if you aren't rooted. A lot of people skip these steps for some reason and that can cause headaches.

Just rooting and stopping is like unlocking a door and not walking through.

Edit: As Fast shows in the next post, if you root but stay on Stock ROM you need to look for the Superuser (SU) icon. If you don't have a SU (Superuser) icon you won't be able to run root apps. You will need to at least flash the rooted version of stock if you don't want a custom one.

Part II is full root and gives you the keys to the candy store.
The best option is to continue all the way through to full root.
To know if Part II worked correctly try to write to /system. If you can you have full root. Here's one example of how to write to /system to install an app;
Originally posted by fenixjn http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...0&postcount=20

Full root will also let you boot into revcovery.
Do not have your device plugged in.
Power off the device. Hold Down Vol while you power back on.
You will be in hboot and select Recovery.
If it boots to a black screen with a red triangle and no menu then you are not fully rooted.
If you see the Recovery menu options (green font) then you are fully rooted.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 06-17-2010 at 10:30 PM. Reason: Clean it up a bit.
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  #348 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: EVO - Root|Recovery|Nand Backup|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Videos

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
do i have root?
Along w/ what winmonewbie posted, I just wanted to reiterate some info and offer another suggestion to find out if you're rooted.

I just did some experimenting. I flashed the stock rom. Then I rooted the phone.
Even after rooting, I did not have the Superuser Permissions icon. I tried to run the "Wireless Tether for rooted users" and it says, "Unable to start tethering. Please try again!" The problem is the icon is missing. When I installed a custom rom that had the icon (like OMJ's) the program works fine.

Super easy way to figure out if you're rooted.
  1. Make sure USB Debugging is on.
    Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging should be checked
  2. Connect your phone using "Charge Only"
  3. Open a "Run" window and type "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows shell"
If you get a "$" you're not rooted
If you get a "#" you're rooted

See the picture below - (And I know I didn't use "view" correctly. I was just typing something to show the results on a rooted vs unrooted phone)

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Rooted VS Not Rooted.JPG (145.2 KB, 2635 views) Click for barcode!
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[TUTORIALS] EVO Full Root|OTA Root|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing|for n00b's + videos
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  #349 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

thank you so much. as a "fool" and with ota, I can confirm that this indeed works no problem. thank you so much FastRX8
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  #350 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 06:22 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

awesome thread ... can anyone explain what the unloking NAND Protection actually does .. and what do u gain from that ?
im going to do everything but i just like to learn and know why i am doing it all.
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