Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
If dust gets in, it can come out too. Simply remove battery, make sure you are well grounded, and thoroughly blow it out with compressed air designed for electronics; available at Radio Shack or Wal-Mart.
Part of the periodic maintenance on my Hero. So simple, a caveman could... |
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Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
Well, for those interested... Here's a 15 Step Teardown of the EVO... I think I'll stick to the compressed air as mentioned earlier...
http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/HTC-E...eardown/2979/1 Still, it's cool to see what's actually under the hood... |
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Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
remember people they are "capacitive" so they gotta capacitive something looks like this something tends to be dust.
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Wirelessly posted (Sprint TP2 6.5 stock: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)
it amazes me how dust or w.e can make it under the screen even if a person never puts the phone in their pocket. arent these things constructed in controlled environments especially in relation to particulates ?
Never Discuss Cheese Around a Mouse !
Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
^ Replace Tmo Wing with Sprint 700 Palm |
Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
I hope this isn't an issue, but in the event it is, which is the better insurance (TEP) for it? BestBuy's or Sprints? Or it is simply covered by the manufacturers warranty?
Re: Man I hope we arent going to have this issue yet again...
Its ALIVE!!! Had the phone sense Saturday and never put it in my pocket.Hell ive barely touched the damn thing sense I cant add it to my account yet and what do ya know.Few specs of dust under the damn screen..Lower Left corner.