Originally Posted by ekim524778
ok, as time gets closer i still need some help. missed the darn 10/24 cause i dialed the wrong number and got its a holiday lol.. thoughts on whats next?? still on sero, phone pre-ordered at radio shack, not upgrade eligible until 9/10 so will be paying retail (don't mind that). just don't want to be stuck with paying retail and paying for a high plan , since SERO accts. don't work lol. heard 99$ plan is pretty good but you cant get any work discounts on it. Can you use the Employee referral plans and get discounts?
Whats the difference between the next plan down and the 99$ plan? Im sure if sprint wants people off the SERO plans they will try to discount you some where ...
What concerns me is Radioshack might not be able touch your SERO plan, even to change it. I went to a Sprint store few days ago to discuss possibly changing my eligibility on my SERO account and she said she is very limited on what she can do with SERO accounts. She said something about she can't even touch it. Now maybe Radioshack can call sprint for you and make the plan changes, I'm just not sure. I've had a very hard time with my SERO account trying to get help with all channels except SERO customer care. If you are truely determined to get the EVO, why not make the plan change the day before over the phone ? (tomorrow)
I don't see why they would renew a 2 year contract on you if you're paying retail on the phone.