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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:09 AM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I afraid not RS doesn't do $75 off they only do $150. @ RS if your not eligible for $150 off from sprint then you will have to pay full price. Which at RS is $499. I'm going to shoot for Sprint store first thing in the morning I will save $125 by getting it from Sprint. $75 off + the phone is $449 @ Sprint.
I would go to Sprint if I didn't have to do a mail in rebate...I dont have time for that mess...Mail in rebates should be obsolete hell
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I afraid not RS doesn't do $75 off they only do $150. @ RS if your not eligible for $150 off from sprint then you will have to pay full price. Which at RS is $499. I'm going to shoot for Sprint store first thing in the morning I will save $125 by getting it from Sprint. $75 off + the phone is $449 @ Sprint.
actually not true, RS will run with the $75 upgrade Instant rebate, not mail in, but that's all you're going to get, $75 so you're price on the phone (since Radioshack's price is artificially high for now) is $425

if you work for radioshack or feel like proving someone wrong, go/tell them to go to ANSO -> Signs Online -> Wireless Pricing and punch in the sku, you/they will get a list of about 25 different situations for pricing, roughly 1/3 of them will be for $75 upgrade

(what's really sad, i typed this from home, from memory)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by i360
This is what I don't understand. The $75/$150 is for time served (being a customer for x amount of months/or new customer) and the mail in rebate or instant discount is contingent on signing up for 2 years which you would be doing unless buying the phone out right. Why would you resign for two years to only save $75.00 on a phone? I fought with BB on this with the TP and I got them to give me the instant discount when I was only eligible for the $75.00 upgrade credit. My reasoning was the instant rebate states with a 2 year agreement which I was signing up for....
$75 is $75 I think we should get the $100 mail in rebate. My $150 upgrade is in 97 days and I dont feel like waiting that long. Ill be a premier customer around that same time. I want the phone now and if all I have to pay is a $100 so be it. Ive been with Sprint for almost 9 years now, I dont plan on leaving them anytime soon.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

All I know is what they told me @ the store and on the phone. RS guy said they only do $150s for people who are eligible for new two year contracts. If your not eligible then you have to pay full price (no $75 off). I know you work there and all I'm just telling you what they told me over the phone. I will be happy if I can get the $75 off but they told me something completely different.

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
actually not true, RS will run with the $75 upgrade Instant rebate, not mail in, but that's all you're going to get, $75 so you're price on the phone (since Radioshack's price is artificially high for now) is $425

if you work for radioshack or feel like proving someone wrong, go/tell them to go to ANSO -> Signs Online -> Wireless Pricing and punch in the sku, you/they will get a list of about 25 different situations for pricing, roughly 1/3 of them will be for $75 upgrade

(what's really sad, i typed this from home, from memory)

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I afraid not RS doesn't do $75 off they only do $150. @ RS if your not eligible for $150 off from sprint then you will have to pay full price. Which at RS is $499. I'm going to shoot for Sprint store first thing in the morning I will save $125 by getting it from Sprint. $75 off + the phone is $449 @ Sprint.
i don't think you read my post. i already preordered, and that is my remainder balance. i have the quote in writing from the store manager.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:55 AM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

I don't know what I'm reading anymore I just hope I'm the only person at the Sprint store Friday morning.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 07:13 PM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

I finally got the run down on partial credit customers at BB, The phone is $599 minus $150 but they will do price match so the cost will be $449 minus $150 = $300 excluding tax.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 09:02 PM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by gutrrob View Post
I finally got the run down on partial credit customers at BB, The phone is $599 minus $150 but they will do price match so the cost will be $449 minus $150 = $300 excluding tax.
Maybe you are not wording it correctly, but if you qualify for the $150 then you will also qualify for the instant/mail in rebate too. So that would make the price after instant/mail in rebate $199. Also bestbuy might not price match if the phone is purchased at a discounted price, meaning that if you buy it as part of an upgrade. They HAVE to price match if the phone is purchased at full retail price.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by nunyabiziz View Post
Maybe you are not wording it correctly, but if you qualify for the $150 then you will also qualify for the instant/mail in rebate too. So that would make the price after instant/mail in rebate $199. Also bestbuy might not price match if the phone is purchased at a discounted price, meaning that if you buy it as part of an upgrade. They HAVE to price match if the phone is purchased at full retail price.
I did word it correctly!
Full discount will be $199 with instant MIR but for partial credit meaning $75 will actually get $150 off of $599 with no MIR which=$449, BB does price match which means we can get $599 lowered to $449 and another $150 for a total of $300 plus tax.

Sprint is selling the phone for $449 without contract
I talked to two different BB locations for conformation

Last edited by gutrrob; 05-31-2010 at 10:55 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: Only $75 upgrade eligible. Mail in/Instant rebate

Originally Posted by gutrrob View Post
I did word it correctly!
Full discount will be $199 with instant MIR but for partial credit meaning $75 will actually get $150 off of $599 with no MIR which=$449, BB does price match which means we can get $599 lowered to $449 and another $150 for a total of $300 plus tax.

Sprint is selling the phone for $449 without contract
I talked to two different BB locations for conformation
Ok im sorry that im a little slow, please explain to me so I too can get this deal that you will be getting for the phone. How does $75=$150??? Your math is $449-$75(upgrade discount)=$300. Where is the extra $75 credit coming from? My math IF there were to be a pricematch, $449-$75=$374 +tax. I may be wrong but at that price BB could be losing money on this item as they would not get the credit from Sprint for the FULL 2 year upgrade/new line of service.
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