Originally Posted by princem131
It shipped yesterday so it should be here by the beginning of the week hopefully....
Anyone have any news on how the activation process went with a Google I/O device. I'm just curious how that went over with sprint. Most reps will not have any idea how I have the phone already and I would assume that they have no idea how to activate it. Unless it comes with a special # to call reps trained to deal with Google I/O devices.
It seems like the phone box will come with a number you have to call for the free trial until the 4th.
If you want to activate it on your line, I think the Sprint reps have to cancel the free trial for the phone, and then activate it on your line.
Some people were saying Sprint will not activate it on your line until the 4th, and others got lucky with canceling the free trial. Most people said that it took around 20-30 minutes for a Sprint rep to do it.
But IMO, why cancel the free trial. Sure you will have a new temporary number, but you get all the features including the hotspot. Use up all the GB of data you can before you start paying money! lol.