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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: Qik Not Ready???

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
I have seen some demos for it. But even in that video, the guy asked if it is "available for public access" and the rep said soon. So I'm still assuming its not completely done.

And the reviewers so far have all said that it is not yet available.
for sure it will be an app available throught the marketplace. the regular one will be on your phone then one day you will open your phone and you will see a notification that an update for your current app is available. I love android
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 05:58 PM
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Re: Qik Not Ready???

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
apps go down. for instance i could login to any of my apps on my phone and some of them could be down if the server is down. I don't know what you're saying right now. If i open an app and its not working I don't call tmobile, you send an email to the developer, thats how android works.
P-Slim I'm agreeing with you, but I think our discrepancy lies in whether or not the Qik application com embedded with the phone? I was under the impression that it came pre-installed and if that is the case you would call sprint tech support to fix the problem. But if it a stand alone app then the user contact the developer, that how it work when I used to work for sprint. champ052005 stated that Qik is not ready, my response to that was it is ready, that's why I provided the video.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Qik Not Ready???

Originally Posted by Sauske View Post
P-Slim I'm agreeing with you, but I think our discrepancy lies in whether or not the Qik application com embedded with the phone? I was under the impression that it came pre-installed and if that is the case you would call sprint tech support to fix the problem. But if it a stand alone app then the user contact the developer, that how it work when I used to work for sprint. champ052005 stated that Qik is not ready, my response to that was it is ready, that's why I provided the video.

No Qik is definitely a third party app. Even if it does come pre-installed, you would still contact Qik and not Sprint.

You can install Qik on WM or on Android right now. But the Evo version is going to be a little bit different.

But the video you posted is from either a Sprint or Qik rep. The guy in that video asked if it was ready for the public, and the rep said "soon."

I have no doubt about Qik being usable on the phone, my question is when though. I just thought it was odd that it is not ready yet, being two weeks away from the release of the phone.
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