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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

FAIL FAIL...Please you guys are bringing us down with this in many ways - excitement, and the grade of our community. We are ALL annoyed about this 10 additional fee but some of you guys sound so cheap. No offense, but you sound like those kids at my school that walk around the club and drink water or soda bc they don't want to spend the 10 bux on alcohol.
This is not what this community represents. We are geeks, not bums. Get you game up. Don't get me wrong, this community is about expressing yourself, but there are a plethora of threads dedicated to this topic. Please take ur ish there and post accordingly.
"In high school I became a senior but I had to stay fresh-man"..."You could pay for school but you can't buy class'..."The only place where success comes BEFORE work is in the dictionary
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

I personally am still going to buy the Evo 4G..$10 is 2 cups of coffee at your favorite coffee stand or local Starbucks. Most of you probably spend that much cash in one day buying lunch, drinks and other stuff on a daily basis...some don't but I'm trying to prove a point. $10 is not much to ask for in the scheme of things.

I do feel though that Sprint probably should have waited to embark this $10 fee till they atleast they had a good amount of 4G tower live around the US. With only a dozen or so cities with 4G I feel they were a bit pre-mature in charging the customers. I would like to get your opinion on that too. I and many other also relize the $10 fee is not just for the 4G but for the pure kick ass of the phone...what it offers is more than any other network can muster right now...and that to me is worth the $10.

If you feel it's still a burden, then contact Sprint or go into your local store and see if the Rep can't help you out and give you a credit or something....worst case call retention and let them know your cituation...maybe cutting the $10 to $5. Just think, if you were on Verizon's network...to have Visual Voicemail thats $10 extra a month, VZ Navigator $10 extra a month....and for the Evo 4G which is in my opinion the best out there now...is much more of a bargin than 1 program that either speaks your voicemail without dialing, or getting turn by turn directions (sucky program btw).

Whats your thoughts? I think it's a great deal...compared to the competition.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I personally am still going to buy the Evo 4G..$10 is 2 cups of coffee at your favorite coffee stand or local Starbucks. Most of you probably spend that much cash in one day buying lunch, drinks and other stuff on a daily basis...some don't but I'm trying to prove a point. $10 is not much to ask for in the scheme of things.

I do feel though that Sprint probably should have waited to embark this $10 fee till they atleast they had a good amount of 4G tower live around the US. With only a dozen or so cities with 4G I feel they were a bit pre-mature in charging the customers. I would like to get your opinion on that too. I and many other also relize the $10 fee is not just for the 4G but for the pure kick ass of the phone...what it offers is more than any other network can muster right now...and that to me is worth the $10.

If you feel it's still a burden, then contact Sprint or go into your local store and see if the Rep can't help you out and give you a credit or something....worst case call retention and let them know your cituation...maybe cutting the $10 to $5. Just think, if you were on Verizon's network...to have Visual Voicemail thats $10 extra a month, VZ Navigator $10 extra a month....and for the Evo 4G which is in my opinion the best out there now...is much more of a bargin than 1 program that either speaks your voicemail without dialing, or getting turn by turn directions (sucky program btw).

Whats your thoughts? I think it's a great deal...compared to the competition.
I pay 8 dollars per Chipotle burrito whenever I go... and I go at least three times a week. I can suffer immensely without one Chipotle burrito for an Evo
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by crooks89 View Post
I'm sorry I just can't wrap my mind around the crying over this $10 fee. I mean I'm lucky to be in Baltimore with 4G but even if I wasn't I'd still get the EVo no problem. It's not like sprint is taxing you $30 a month or some outrageous amount for the phone. People need to grow up and stop crying. SHit I manage a Verzion store and I want to laugh at them when they sign up for those expensive ass plans then then have to throw on a $29.99 Data plan as well for JR's droid or Dad's blackberry. Sprint is offering a dope phone and some of the best plans around.....so please tell me what's the real issue? If it truely bothers you don't buy the phone or if sprint's pricing annoys you I can hook you up with a Verzion plan that'll surely piss you off lol.
I totally agree. I can't understand the whining about a whopping 10 bucks. Have one less Starbucks mocha, One less drink at the bar.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I personally am still going to buy the Evo 4G..$10 is 2 cups of coffee at your favorite coffee stand or local Starbucks. Most of you probably spend that much cash in one day buying lunch, drinks and other stuff on a daily basis...some don't but I'm trying to prove a point. $10 is not much to ask for in the scheme of things.

I do feel though that Sprint probably should have waited to embark this $10 fee till they atleast they had a good amount of 4G tower live around the US. With only a dozen or so cities with 4G I feel they were a bit pre-mature in charging the customers. I would like to get your opinion on that too. I and many other also relize the $10 fee is not just for the 4G but for the pure kick ass of the phone...what it offers is more than any other network can muster right now...and that to me is worth the $10.

If you feel it's still a burden, then contact Sprint or go into your local store and see if the Rep can't help you out and give you a credit or something....worst case call retention and let them know your cituation...maybe cutting the $10 to $5. Just think, if you were on Verizon's network...to have Visual Voicemail thats $10 extra a month, VZ Navigator $10 extra a month....and for the Evo 4G which is in my opinion the best out there now...is much more of a bargin than 1 program that either speaks your voicemail without dialing, or getting turn by turn directions (sucky program btw).

Whats your thoughts? I think it's a great deal...compared to the competition.
For me, its not the price. Its just how it all went down. Told one thing, they then did another, and then they expect me to believe another lie. lost alot of respect for Sprint as a company. For others, they don't agree they dont get the full benefits of what other users are getting, yet they're paying the same fee. everyone is going to have their opinions, good or bad about the fee. hopefully soon there will be some sort of resolution so theres less fighting around here. (then again my constant sarcasm and intentional 'stirring of the pot' doesnt help )
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:07 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by xSD View Post
I pay 8 dollars per Chipotle burrito whenever I go... and I go at least three times a week. I can suffer immensely without one Chipotle burrito for an Evo
But those Chipotle burritos are so damn good! Oh the suffering we must endure to have the latest and the greatest! Off to lunch
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:10 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by jones4765 View Post
But those Chipotle burritos are so damn good! Oh the suffering we must endure to have the latest and the greatest! Off to lunch
Try to kill a double rice, double beans, double chicken, sour cream, hot sauce, corn, lettuce, extra cheese burrito in 7 mins. I'll buy you a gift card LOL
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I personally am still going to buy the Evo 4G..$10 is 2 cups of coffee at your favorite coffee stand or local Starbucks. Most of you probably spend that much cash in one day buying lunch, drinks and other stuff on a daily basis...some don't but I'm trying to prove a point. $10 is not much to ask for in the scheme of things.

I do feel though that Sprint probably should have waited to embark this $10 fee till they atleast they had a good amount of 4G tower live around the US. With only a dozen or so cities with 4G I feel they were a bit pre-mature in charging the customers. I would like to get your opinion on that too. I and many other also relize the $10 fee is not just for the 4G but for the pure kick ass of the phone...what it offers is more than any other network can muster right now...and that to me is worth the $10.
100% agree with your points.
However, the other side will point to the Hesse comment about giving the customer 4G for free @ CTIA & jump on that as a boldface lie.

IMO, it was a poor choice of words by SPCS but otherwise, it's their business to run not mine's.
My job is to make money to get the things I need not to complain about stuff I can't control about.
& don't get me started on the weak back bones of the $10 complainers.

Last edited by Q_Q; 05-18-2010 at 02:17 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:19 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by xSD View Post
I pay 8 dollars per Chipotle burrito whenever I go... and I go at least three times a week. I can suffer immensely without one Chipotle burrito for an Evo
You know you will still get your three Chipotle Burritos a week...don't deny it. Just change your weekly budget to compensate...take away from something elese...$10 less in the fuel tank...whichever hehe...Nobody takes away my food...

But yeah Sprint left a sour taste is some peoples mouths...and you can't really put the blame on Dan the CEO, if he really is the CEO and not just a spokesperson..Marketing departments and or whomever does the pricing can over rule anything and do what they want. I have a much more sour taste with Verizon Wireless than I do with Sprint, they are the #1 carrier and decided they wouldn't help me...I left..came to Sprint and they have done pretty much everything they could possible...Yeah they have there issues, but doesn't everyone?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
You know you will still get your three Chipotle Burritos a week...don't deny it. Just change your weekly budget to compensate...take away from something elese...$10 less in the fuel tank...whichever hehe...Nobody takes away my food...

But yeah Sprint left a sour taste is some peoples mouths...and you can't really put the blame on Dan the CEO, if he really is the CEO and not just a spokesperson..Marketing departments and or whomever does the pricing can over rule anything and do what they want. I have a much more sour taste with Verizon Wireless than I do with Sprint, they are the #1 carrier and decided they wouldn't help me...I left..came to Sprint and they have done pretty much everything they could possible...Yeah they have there issues, but doesn't everyone?
I usually spend 30 dollars every weekend on drinks @ the club. That's not too hard to drop lol
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