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Old 05-18-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Why upgrading to an EVO when you're not in a 4G Market is a waste of money

Originally Posted by crooks89 View Post
I'm sorry I just can't wrap my mind around the crying over this $10 fee. I mean I'm lucky to be in Baltimore with 4G but even if I wasn't I'd still get the EVo no problem. It's not like sprint is taxing you $30 a month or some outrageous amount for the phone. People need to grow up and stop crying. SHit I manage a Verzion store and I want to laugh at them when they sign up for those expensive ass plans then then have to throw on a $29.99 Data plan as well for JR's droid or Dad's blackberry. Sprint is offering a dope phone and some of the best plans please tell me what's the real issue? If it truely bothers you don't buy the phone or if sprint's pricing annoys you I can hook you up with a Verzion plan that'll surely piss you off lol.
I totally agree. I can't understand the whining about a whopping 10 bucks. Have one less Starbucks mocha, One less drink at the bar.
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