Originally Posted by crooks89
I'm sorry I just can't wrap my mind around the crying over this $10 fee. I mean I'm lucky to be in Baltimore with 4G but even if I wasn't I'd still get the EVo no problem. It's not like sprint is taxing you $30 a month or some outrageous amount for the phone. People need to grow up and stop crying. SHit I manage a Verzion store and I want to laugh at them when they sign up for those expensive ass plans then then have to throw on a $29.99 Data plan as well for JR's droid or Dad's blackberry. Sprint is offering a dope phone and some of the best plans around.....so please tell me what's the real issue? If it truely bothers you don't buy the phone or if sprint's pricing annoys you I can hook you up with a Verzion plan that'll surely piss you off lol.
I totally agree. I can't understand the whining about a whopping 10 bucks. Have one less Starbucks mocha, One less drink at the bar.