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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 10:17 PM
MikeElGiga23's Avatar
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Re: EVO's screen colors???

i guess that i forgot to mention that this is nowhere near to a dealbreaker, i just wanted to know if it was a hardware or software limitation (no need for pinchforks) the evo will indeed be much sharper than the pre (which im just mentioning to compare and make my point) but the pre is much much more vibrant than any other device i have seen (tp2, hd2, hero etc.) which are known to be 65k and wanted to see if that was why. i swear, when i compared it with my hero side by side, it looked like one of those clorox commercials where you compare bright, rich colors to dull washed out ones. i guess i was just spoiled hehe. but be sure that you will indeed bump into me on those evo 4g lines come june
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: EVO's screen colors???

Originally Posted by Mike20PR View Post
i guess that i forgot to mention that this is nowhere near to a dealbreaker, i just wanted to know if it was a hardware or software limitation (no need for pinchforks) the evo will indeed be much sharper than the pre (which im just mentioning to compare and make my point) but the pre is much much more vibrant than any other device i have seen (tp2, hd2, hero etc.) which are known to be 65k and wanted to see if that was why. i swear, when i compared it with my hero side by side, it looked like one of those clorox commercials where you compare bright, rich colors to dull washed out ones. i guess i was just spoiled hehe. but be sure that you will indeed bump into me on those evo 4g lines come june
Side by side the TP2 would display better due to the resolution.it would only be noticeable if you play a high quality video or a picture.

If you really wana look into display they have a site with in-depth comparisons here: (they do not have all phones but a few detailed comparisons)

Also, here it shows that android has 24bit support but in 2.1 the gallery app has been downgraded to 16bit due to 3d rendering instead of 2d

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Last edited by gTen; 05-16-2010 at 10:33 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 4G

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