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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Use The Evo 4G With Your Existing Data Plan

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Not true...most of us that are complain it can afford it...the problem more stems that we don't like when a carrier says "this is everything plan all is included" and then when new phone comes out they go, but you are required to have this addon for more $$..not to mention the CEO said it would be free and now a charge...IF we let this go then before you know it we will all be paying 200$ a month cellphone plans with 50 addons that are "required"
But see the market dictates their action & reaction.
You act like complaining is going to do something.
No - not buying the EVO does something.

I could care less if Hesse says this or that.
Words are cheap. Actions speaks louder.
I sure ain't going to tell him how to run his business.
I have my own business to take care of.

Consumer advocacy isn't part of the job description in my business.
As for every1 could afford it, well lets not make that sweeping generalization. We know that is not true.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 05:36 PM
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Re: Use The Evo 4G With Your Existing Data Plan

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
I remember that thread......now I'm not gonna argue with you like in the other thread.....or say that you're wrong either!

This is similar to that situation though! If your phone didn't support picturemail you were straight and didn't have to worry (basically like now.....I have a Touch Pro 2 and it doesn't support 4G)!

Now if I wanna get the EVO (which I will) than you need to get the $10 add-on (Because the EVO is the only phone to use it now)!

So basically your choices are 1) Get the phone and pay the extra $10 or 2) Don't get the phone and don't pay the extra $10!

I feel for people on family plans that wanna get this phone for all their lines or @ least 2 of'em............but for people on a single line.....WOW!
Actually it was the other way around. When you got power vision, they charged you for picture mail even though the phone didn't support it. So technically you weren't paying extra for power vision, you were just paying extra for picture mail that you couldn't use (and sprint disabled when the community got it working anyway). So even though your bill went up, Sprint could still say "power vision doesn't cost any extra."
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