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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2010, 08:09 PM
TheBundo's Avatar
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Pocket PC: Evo 4G
Carrier: Sprint
Location: Kommiefornia
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Re: Sprint's EVO Premier Contest... Any Winners?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
you guys want marketing but this phone is too damn big to compete with the iPhone. I don't know if most of you are just going off precise measurements or what, but this is not for everyone. Many will think this beast is too big and wait for something a lil smaller
True. I should take a video of it in my hands operating it. I'm 6'3" and have fairly large hands, but I can't hold it firmly while reaching accross the screen with my thumb, especially in the lower left hand corner (home button). One will have to be careful not to drop it one-handed. Plus, it's such a stretch for the thumb to the other side, and the thumbs knuckle is just as likely to touch the screen in the wrong place as the thumbs tip in the right place. It is huge in the hand. I like it, but folks should know that the size difference doesn't just affect the eye, it affects the hand too.
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