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-   -   [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 10/2 (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=150224)

OMJ 09-19-2012 12:19 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.2 | Updated 9

Originally Posted by rootlinux (Post 2186365)
This rom is great.
I was running Viper4G and while it looks amazing with many tweaks it had data issues for me.
This rom so far has double the data speed. Also this rom is smoother with less lag.
Very nice work brother.

thx bro...I strongly believe if u f*ck with things too much, it will do more harm than good.

rootlinux 09-19-2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2186411)
thx bro...I strongly believe if u f*ck with things too much, it will do more harm than good.

Probably so bro. :)

Been playing around with AOKP but it isn't quite there yet.
Have to try other roms to see what's up.

I need landscape 360 rosie, keyboard notification and menu on here and it will be perfect.
I know you posted the mods, now I just have to find and flash them. :)

rootlinux 09-19-2012 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by rootlinux (Post 2186431)
Probably so bro. :)

Been playing around with AOKP but it isn't quite there yet.
Have to try other roms to see what's up.

I need landscape 360 rosie, keyboard notification and menu on here and it will be perfect.
I know you posted the mods, now I just have to find and flash them. :)

Tried your latest mod pack and while it did give me 360 landscape rosie it crashed acore process repeatedly.
Not sure why yet.
I have flashed latest firmware bits.

Edit: Got keyboard notification, landscape rosie and soft menu working.
Only thing missing is the 360.
Fabulous rom bro.
Best I have tried on this LTE.
Thanks again brother.

rootlinux 09-20-2012 07:02 AM

acore error has returned.
Tried clearing contacts but the error prevents me from opening the phone apk.
I can still open contacts without the error.
Not sure what is up.
Gonna try replacing the phone apk.

Edit: All good.
The problem is TWRP being a PITA POS.
It still doesn't wipe correctly or restore correctly because it will not wipe correctly. LOL

Fixed it by wiping everything 3 times and flashing fresh.
I believe it was the advanced power menu mod.

OMJ 09-20-2012 10:53 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.2 | Updated 9
cool....I didn't know twrp was having an issue....I always run a superwipe for wiping.

did u see my threads @ miks for mods?

the rosie 360 kinda sux....glitchy

rootlinux 09-20-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2186475)
cool....I didn't know twrp was having an issue....I always run a superwipe for wiping.

did u see my threads @ miks for mods?

the rosie 360 kinda sux....glitchy

That is where I got the mods. :)
360 is a little buggy.

I was on Viper for a while and it glitched on the left but not the right side.
Some of Vipers mods are nice but a few are buggy.
It lags even after turning off cpu single core settings.
Using Boat browser makes it lock up for a minute or so.

Edit: What superwipe do you use?
TWRP is forever plagued with wipe issues.

rootlinux 09-20-2012 07:23 PM


I need a white circle battery.

OMJ 09-21-2012 12:27 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.2 | Updated 9
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by rootlinux (Post 2186503)

nice & clean....

the only other icons I got is these...

Alternate Battery Icons

if u find other icons u like, they're real easy to swap out

attached is the superwipe i use.

rootlinux 09-21-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2186538)
nice & clean....

the only other icons I got is these...

Alternate Battery Icons

if u find other icons u like, they're real easy to swap out

attached is the superwipe i use.

Thanks brother.
Saw the HDWhite circle battery but it said for extended quick settings.
Wasn't sure if it would break anything.

rootlinux 09-21-2012 03:42 PM


Sexiest rom ever.
Keep thinking I will start cooking again but there is no need yet. :)

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