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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2012, 12:18 AM
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How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Is it even possible? I just can't stand this ROM anymore, and i thought if I did an update, it would bring me back to stock. I originally rooted, because I wanted the free hotspot, but it is no longer working. A little up, but no down. Ever.

Is there any way to do this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2012, 06:38 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
Is it even possible? I just can't stand this ROM anymore, and i thought if I did an update, it would bring me back to stock. I originally rooted, because I wanted the free hotspot, but it is no longer working. A little up, but no down. Ever.

Is there any way to do this?
Yeah bro it's def possible!! Sounds to me like a new rom will breathe all kinds of new life into your 3d!! I ran the same synergy for the longest time cause of stability but since switching to android 4.0/sense 3.6+, I haven't looked back!!

First thing you should to is run a backup of apps/data and contacts/sms/call history if that sort of thing is important to you(I use my backup pro). Maybe running a nandroid backup isn't such a bad idea right now, just in case, either.

Then you'll need to find a rom you'd like to use..(don't worry if you can't narrow down to one, they're not hard to flash so you can try a few). Just make sure it doesn't require any special requirements such as new hboot or firmware. Once downloaded move the new rom zip to the root of your sd card.

Reboot into recovery(while device is powered off, hold volume down and power, in bootloader screen select recovery). Preform a factory reset/wipe device from the menu(most new roms have option to wipe device before install but just in case). Then also from the menu select install, navigate to the rom zip and install it. Once it finishes and reboots you should be all good to enjoy your newly flashed rom!!

Just be sure to do alil homework before hand and read from others to see whether wifi tether is working or not. I can vouch that it's working correctly on Viper3d's rom (android 4.03, htc 4.1) Only thing not working is 4g and 3d. (you can tho view previously recorded 3d pics/videos!!) If you need any links to a super wipe tool(for wiping device) or any roms let me know!!
Click if I've helped you!!

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Last edited by lnando84; 12-12-2012 at 06:43 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2012, 12:17 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
Yeah bro it's def possible!! Sounds to me like a new rom will breathe all kinds of new life into your 3d!! I ran the same synergy for the longest time cause of stability but since switching to android 4.0/sense 3.6+, I haven't looked back!!

First thing you should to is run a backup of apps/data and contacts/sms/call history if that sort of thing is important to you(I use my backup pro). Maybe running a nandroid backup isn't such a bad idea right now, just in case, either.

Then you'll need to find a rom you'd like to use..(don't worry if you can't narrow down to one, they're not hard to flash so you can try a few). Just make sure it doesn't require any special requirements such as new hboot or firmware. Once downloaded move the new rom zip to the root of your sd card.

Reboot into recovery(while device is powered off, hold volume down and power, in bootloader screen select recovery). Preform a factory reset/wipe device from the menu(most new roms have option to wipe device before install but just in case). Then also from the menu select install, navigate to the rom zip and install it. Once it finishes and reboots you should be all good to enjoy your newly flashed rom!!

Just be sure to do alil homework before hand and read from others to see whether wifi tether is working or not. I can vouch that it's working correctly on Viper3d's rom (android 4.03, htc 4.1) Only thing not working is 4g and 3d. (you can tho view previously recorded 3d pics/videos!!) If you need any links to a super wipe tool(for wiping device) or any roms let me know!!
Hmmm... Cool. When I hold down the power button, I have the option to boot into bootloader. I could def use some help finding a ROM that will work well. I shouldn't have ever used a custom ROM in the first place. I just don't know enough about this stuff. When I was talking about upgrading, i meant more along the lines of a legit, Sprint update that would give me the newest Sprint stock ROM. All I want now is smart glass, and a few other apps that won't work on this phone now.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2012, 05:24 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
Hmmm... Cool. When I hold down the power button, I have the option to boot into bootloader. I could def use some help finding a ROM that will work well. I shouldn't have ever used a custom ROM in the first place. I just don't know enough about this stuff. When I was talking about upgrading, i meant more along the lines of a legit, Sprint update that would give me the newest Sprint stock ROM. All I want now is smart glass, and a few other apps that won't work on this phone now.
Na man, there's not to much that goes into flashing a rom..it's really easy!! You already did the hardest part in rooting/achieving s-off the phone so flashing roms is as simple as pie!! The reason smartglass doesn't work on your device at the moment is because it requires ice cream sandwich(android 4.0+) and if your running synergy means your still using honeycomb. I personally used synergy for over a year then switched over to viper's roms and have been really impressed. Maybe you'd like to give it a shot.

Here's a link to info on the rom.. [[ROM][Sense 4.1] Team Venom presents: Viper3D 1.0.0 Nightly welcome to the future

And here's link to download(choose the newest..Viper3D_1.0.0_R310.zip & fixed_r312_update.zip)

Here's how to install the lastest version of twrp(recovery)..
-From the play store download and install an app called Goomanager.
-Once installed and on apps default page, click the menu button then select OpenRecoveryScript.
-Select yes to confirm and let it do its thing.

Here's where you want to run a backup of apps/data and phone info(sms/call history/etc..) I use an app called My Backup by Rerware, LLC. Another great backup app is titanium backup. (make sure you save to sd)

Now to flash the rom..
-Place the zips on root of your sd card.
-Boot into bootloader(Power down the device, then hold volume down and power buttons).
-On bootloader page choose recovery option.
-If you'd like to backup the device as is(as a precautionary measure just in case) run a nandroid backup. Follow the onscreen directions.
-This is where the actual flashing takes place. Usually here is where you'd wipe the device to prepare for flash but this zip has that option built in(aroma installer).
-From the recovery(default) page, click on the install button then navigate to the Viper3D_1.0.0_R310.zip(or whichever rom zip).
-Click on it to let it start, then go through its options pages selecting whichever options you'd like.
-When your finished and it flashes the rom with those options, reboot the device.
-Enjoy the new rom!!! If you chose the rom I provided links to, after it's loaded up and running, you'll want to reboot the device back into recovery and install/flash the second (fixed_r312_update.zip) file.
-Install the same backup app(my backup or titanium) and restore your previously saved app/phone data.
-Reboot and your all set!! Have fun!!!!

Hope this helps make it a bit easier for ya!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2012, 07:24 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

So, how's it going bud..how are ya making out? Did you end up trying a new rom?

Last edited by lnando84; 12-19-2012 at 08:05 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2013, 02:13 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
So, how's it going bud..how are ya making out? Did you end up trying a new rom?
Hey...pretty badly. I can't seem to get the hang of this. No 4G is a dealbreaker for me, as I actually use it very often. I tried another ROM, but it booted right back into Synergy, but with only a wallpaper. Nothing else visible, or accessible. I'm gonna try and get a replacement, because I just want the stock ROM back again, but can't flash it. I will NEVER root/flash a phone again. This is such a pain in the ass.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2013, 01:55 AM
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Re: How can I update if I'm using Synergy's Infected ROM, Edvo RLS-1??

Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
Hey...pretty badly. I can't seem to get the hang of this. No 4G is a dealbreaker for me, as I actually use it very often. I tried another ROM, but it booted right back into Synergy, but with only a wallpaper. Nothing else visible, or accessible. I'm gonna try and get a replacement, because I just want the stock ROM back again, but can't flash it. I will NEVER root/flash a phone again. This is such a pain in the ass.
Just looking at the forum and was wondering if you found a ROM cause I have a suggestion.

Negalite blue ROM. It works great, 4g and 3d work


Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
How bizarre. As I hit the 'Submit' button for that last post, the manager from Sprint called, and told me I was hired! So, this topic is now irrelevant. lol

Seriously, though...thanks for the replies, people. I appreciate them!
guess I should have read your other thread LOL never mind

Last edited by Jcfunk; 04-14-2013 at 02:04 AM.
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