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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 03:39 AM
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Exclamation Oh, man... I could really use some help. HTC Sense Issues!

I put the Synergy 3Dvo Rls 1 on my Evo 3D a good while back. I never updated it, because I don't know how. Now, a TON of apps had to be updated last week, so I hit Update All. Ever since I did that, HTC Sense restarts about ever minute or two. I'm unable to use any apps other than the stock browser and YT. If I try using any other apps, they jusy shut themselves off, and I get a black OR white screen that says HTS SENSE. Even when my 3vo is just sitting there, the screen will turn on, and HTC Sense will restart.

I have uninstalled most of my apps, and I'm still having this issue. Has anyone run into this problem before?
Now: HTC Evo 3D
Then: PPC-6700 -> Mogul -> Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2 -> HTC Evo 4G
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 05:55 AM
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Re: Oh, man... I could really use some help. HTC Sense Issues!

Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
I put the Synergy 3Dvo Rls 1 on my Evo 3D a good while back. I never updated it, because I don't know how. Now, a TON of apps had to be updated last week, so I hit Update All. Ever since I did that, HTC Sense restarts about ever minute or two. I'm unable to use any apps other than the stock browser and YT. If I try using any other apps, they jusy shut themselves off, and I get a black OR white screen that says HTS SENSE. Even when my 3vo is just sitting there, the screen will turn on, and HTC Sense will restart.

I have uninstalled most of my apps, and I'm still having this issue. Has anyone run into this problem before?
Hmm.. I wonder which play store app could have caused the issue? Sounds like a corrupt file after the update. Is the device itself rebooting or just sense? I had something similar happen when I edited my build.prop file but my device itself was rebooting itself every min or so..I couldn't use anything cause it would just shut off and reboot. I able to fix it by re-flashing the rom I was running. Do you happen to still have the synergy rls1 zip? If not, I have it saved on my computer and could share. Maybe re-flashing it(w/out wiping before hand) will work for you too.

If you have your important stuff(apps/data/contacts/etc..) backed up maybe its time to test a newer rom. trust me I ran the exact same version of synergy for months and months(cause it just worked) but ever since running ics w/sense 4.0, I haven't looked back. Maybe you'll enjoy one of the newer roms too
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 05:05 PM
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Re: Oh, man... I could really use some help. HTC Sense Issues!

It's just Sense that keeps restarting. I have no idea how to back things up. I tried to once, and it wouldn't work, I think it's Titanium Backup or something that I have. Anyway, I'm afraid to use it either way, because what if it backs up whatever is messing with my phone?

Anyway, I'm not worried about backups. I do still have the ROM file on my laptop. However, I don't know how to flash/re-flash. I did it once, and with help from my friend. To be honest, I'd love a ROM running ICS, Sense, and that has a free wi-fi tether app. Is there a good one you could recommend? I May not be able to flash, but maybe I coul;d have someone else do it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 06:16 PM
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Re: Oh, man... I could really use some help. HTC Sense Issues!

Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
It's just Sense that keeps restarting. I have no idea how to back things up. I tried to once, and it wouldn't work, I think it's Titanium Backup or something that I have. Anyway, I'm afraid to use it either way, because what if it backs up whatever is messing with my phone?

Anyway, I'm not worried about backups. I do still have the ROM file on my laptop. However, I don't know how to flash/re-flash. I did it once, and with help from my friend. To be honest, I'd love a ROM running ICS, Sense, and that has a free wi-fi tether app. Is there a good one you could recommend? I May not be able to flash, but maybe I coul;d have someone else do it.
Don't worry bud, flashing isn't that hard. When you rooted it, way back when, did you use htc's method or revolutionary(twrp)? If twrp do you know which version? If running twrp, power down the device. then when off, hold down the volume down key and while holding that down press/hold the power button until it boots up into bootloader. From there hit volume down to highlight recovery then power button to select it. From here you can find options to wipe/factory reset. Wipe if installing a new rom or flash over the synergy to try fixing. There are also wipe tools available to flash that'll clear all data. You can also find the install option(just set the zip your flashing on the root of you sd card b4 hand and it'll become available to install. Hope this helps..if not ask away.

I great app for backing up data/personal info is mybackup. Makes things extremely easy..

Oh and I'll ask my buddy to pop in here, list a few roms for ya and their options (i've been too busy at work to keep up with it all so he for the most part keeps me in the loop.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 08:12 PM
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I guess it all depends what kinda ics roms he like I can say this tho there is sense 3.6 roms that have working 3d and wimax.on sense. 4.0 ported roms there is no WiMAX or 3d but its still rather nice to have right now I'm on team venom 4.0 and I rather like it imma put a list together for u as well sites in a bit ..

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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Last edited by rrjskj; 08-27-2012 at 08:18 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 09:12 PM
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Re: Oh, man... I could really use some help. HTC Sense Issues!

Oh, I used HTC's method. When I reset my phone, there are options to go to bootloader and recovery as well. I would definitely want WiMax. Charter service is horrible here, and any time the net goes out, I used WiMax, and tether my Laptop & 360 to it.

Also, I wanna thank you guys. You're being very helpful, and I really aprreciate you taking the time to help me out here. Sorry for being so ignorant when it comes to this stuff...lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Touche' View Post
Oh, I used HTC's method. When I reset my phone, there are options to go to bootloader and recovery as well. I would definitely want WiMax. Charter service is horrible here, and any time the net goes out, I used WiMax, and tether my Laptop & 360 to it.

Also, I wanna thank you guys. You're being very helpful, and I really aprreciate you taking the time to help me out here. Sorry for being so ignorant when it comes to this stuff...lol
Ooh I dunno if ur gonna be able to use team venoms 4.0 Rom mostly because the hboot we use for it is 1.58 on infectedrom.com .. there is a way to use virus Rom on xda that has the ability to change the hboot for u to 1.58 I also have hboot files if u need em pm me and I'll let u know what I have .. I also agree charter sucks ..

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2012, 01:59 AM
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Try going to recovery and clearing cache.
See if that helps.
If not try a factory reset and slowly add apps back that way you can see what causes the issue if it happens again.
If you want a new rom I suggest Swag's SOS 2.6 or d3rp.
d3rp is Sense 3.6 and will run on I think any hboot.
Swag has an AWESOME Aroma installer with MANY options.
Everything works on both roms including wimax and 3D.
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