Originally Posted by Touche'
I put the Synergy 3Dvo Rls 1 on my Evo 3D a good while back. I never updated it, because I don't know how. Now, a TON of apps had to be updated last week, so I hit Update All. Ever since I did that, HTC Sense restarts about ever minute or two. I'm unable to use any apps other than the stock browser and YT. If I try using any other apps, they jusy shut themselves off, and I get a black OR white screen that says HTS SENSE. Even when my 3vo is just sitting there, the screen will turn on, and HTC Sense will restart.
I have uninstalled most of my apps, and I'm still having this issue. Has anyone run into this problem before?
Hmm.. I wonder which play store app could have caused the issue? Sounds like a corrupt file after the update. Is the device itself rebooting or just sense? I had something similar happen when I edited my build.prop file but my device itself was rebooting itself every min or so..I couldn't use anything cause it would just shut off and reboot. I able to fix it by re-flashing the rom I was running. Do you happen to still have the synergy rls1 zip? If not, I have it saved on my computer and could share. Maybe re-flashing it(w/out wiping before hand) will work for you too.
If you have your important stuff(apps/data/contacts/etc..) backed up maybe its time to test a newer rom. trust me I ran the exact same version of synergy for months and months(cause it just worked) but ever since running ics w/sense 4.0, I haven't looked back. Maybe you'll enjoy one of the newer roms too