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Old 03-15-2012, 09:33 PM
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Thumbs up [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

[DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)
Firstly, I want to thank the guys that made it all possible...
The entire Revolutionary team
And anyone else that had any contribution that I'm forgetting, and I know I am, just too excited to think straight


Beware, while this works, I've personally noticed some slight bugs along the way, They are recoverable bugs. but First and foremost, Data stopped working after this... This is fixed by doing a Hands Free Activation. I don't remember exactly how to do this, but I'm pretty sure it's in the sprint app somewhere(on the stock rom)... It popped up automatically after the second time through revolutionary, just make sure to stop it before it does a firmware update...
Also when going through Revolutionary, I had to do this 3 times... it crapped out first time trying to S-OFF, then the second time trying to update to Revolutionary HBOOT, but 3rd time it worked (even though it still said it failed)

This is all I've noticed that has had a problem thus far... On top of this... I am now on Revolutionary 1.40.1100 Hboot, have restored my phone from MY OLD phone, and am back to root, fully functional.

Now on to the goodies...

IMPORTANT!!! This is NOT for the weak minded... this is fairly advanced stuff and you can damage your phone very badly if you mess it up because you must INTENTIONALLY brick your device during this process... that IS the SECOND step... So unless you really know what you're doing on a PC and linux... you might want to wait for someone to write a tool to do this stuff automatically...

Things you'll need...

  • You'll need a linux PC and some basic linux knowledge...
  • ADB and Fastboot and know how to use them properly
  • The 2.08 or 2.17 RUU ZIP image (if you have the exe, run it, let it extract all the way to the first screen and then open explorer and look for it in your docs/settings or Users folder, it's in a temp folder, turn on hidden/system files and just search for the rom.zip, copy out of that folder)
  • You'll also need the 1.13 RUU EXE
  • Download the tools in the attachment (includes emmc_recover, tacoroot, zergRush, misc_version, hboot 1.40.0000)

First Step

You need to change your phones "Mainver" to a much lesser version. I used 1.10.651.2, but anything lower than the 1.13.651.7, because you'll need to run that RUU after, and if it's not lower it won't take it...

1.) To do this, start by extracting all your tools.zip to the place you have adb and fastboot stored.

2.) Then Gain temp root. (Tacoroot works on 2.17 and zergRush works on 2.0

3.) Change your directory to that location and type the following commands, in order.

adb push misc_version /data/local/ adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/misc_version adb shell /data/local/misc_version -s 1.10.651.2 adb reboot bootloader fastboot getvar mainver
You should see mainver: 1.10.651.2

If not, you've done something wrong or didn't have root, start over... do not proceed until you get this output, otherwise you'll end up with your only option being flashing 1.50 back and starting ALL over...

Second Step

BRICK (Yes, I said brick) your device. BUT in a CERTAIN way.

You need to brick your device by using an SD Card swap during the HBOOT Update.

1.) Take your 2.08(or 2.17) ZIP image, put it on the root of your SDCard, call it PG86IMG.zip. (I HAVE PERSONALLY ONLY TESTED THIS WITH the 2.08 IMAGE, but it should work with the 2.17 one as well)

2.) Reboot to BootLoader, let it detect the zip and read and get to a point to update.

3.) Pull off the battery cover and plug the device into AC power.

4.) Pull the battery (The device should stay on, if it doesn't start over and try again)

5.) Here's the tricky part, Be ready to pull the ac cable out... press the vol up key in, Give it approximately 5 seconds while it says Updating on the BootLoader. Then Pull the AC quickly, and plug it right back in, if this worked right, you'll see the red charge light be VERY DIM, and it should stay solid and not blink... (the first time I did this in my video it blinked, and I think that was wrong and that I pulled it too soon perhaps...)

That should have been enough to brick it and put it into the correct mode for the next part.

Third Step

Next step is the linux part. Do not plug your phone in to the linux box until you are told to do so. Very important.

1.) Boot up to Linux (I used Ubuntu, but I am guessing that any will work)

2.) Copy the emmc_recover file and the hboot1.4.nb0 files to the linux box somewhere, just in your home folder will do.

3.) Run the command chmod 0755 /path/to/emmc_recover (changing "/path/to" to wherever it resides)

4.) Now this is where it's a little tricky, because you don't know exactly what device it's going to show up as... (mine showed up as /dev/sdb13 one time, then /dev/sdc13 the second time) It will always be the number 13, because that's your hboot partition. but the 3rd letter will differ. So what I did was open several terminal windows and typed in the following command in each one just changing the third letter from b to c and d and so on. (GSM Devices ARE Differently partitioned, I've heard that partition 12 is the correct one, but you'll need to make sure before hand)

./emmc_recover --flash hboot1.4.nb0 --device /dev/sdb13
So the next one would be /dev/sdc13, and so on.

It will ask you "Are you sure" press enter, it will ask once more, press Enter again. It should say " Waiting device /dev/sdb13......." (or sdc or whatever)

Make sure you get all your terminal windows to show this waiting state. And make sure you can SEE all of their outuputs...

5.) Now... Holding down the Volume Down key,(put the battery cover back on to make it easier to hold down (and hold it down the ENTIRE time) Plug the phone in, now watch your terminal windows, ONE of them will say "Foundit!" and then say the following:

511+1 records in 511+1 records out 1047808 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.36689 s, 2.9 MB/s Retun code is 0
Ubuntu's USB service will lock up and even the screen will go to a terminal screen (press ctrl alt del to get out of that)

But that's it!

From there, throw your battery back in, delete the PG86IMG.zip from your sd card and run the RUU 1.13 while in Fastboot, then just revolutionary and have a beer.

Somewhat of an edit here... before your beer...
Because of the issues I ran into with Revolutionary, I didn't get to the point where it asked to flash a recovery... I did this via fastboot, and simply used TWRP 2.0 .img file. (fastboot flash recovery blahblahblah.img, this did NOT work when it was just regular S-OFF, only when it was revolutionary S-OFF, just an FYI, YMMV)

DISCLAIMER This is NOT a guarantee... because I'm sure it could come back... But in basic terms... I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR DEVICE, I have given you a method that worked for me, and SHOULD work for you, but if your house burns down, your car gets a flat tire, or your phone stops working... You are responsible for any and all of those things.

[DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices) - xda-developers
Attached Files
File Type: zip tools.zip (2.35 MB, 48 views) Click for barcode!

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

Last edited by Karl; 03-15-2012 at 11:50 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 09:42 PM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Originally Posted by Karl View Post
[DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)
Firstly, I want to thank the guys that made it all possible...
The entire Revolutionary team
And anyone else that had any contribution that I'm forgetting, and I know I am, just too excited to think straight


Beware, while this works, I've personally noticed some slight bugs along the way, They are recoverable bugs. but First and foremost, Data stopped working after this... This is fixed by doing a Hands Free Activation. I don't remember exactly how to do this, but I'm pretty sure it's in the sprint app somewhere(on the stock rom)... It popped up automatically after the second time through revolutionary, just make sure to stop it before it does a firmware update...
Also when going through Revolutionary, I had to do this 3 times... it crapped out first time trying to S-OFF, then the second time trying to update to Revolutionary HBOOT, but 3rd time it worked (even though it still said it failed)

This is all I've noticed that has had a problem thus far... On top of this... I am now on Revolutionary 1.40.1100 Hboot, have restored my phone from MY OLD phone, and am back to root, fully functional.

Now on to the goodies...

IMPORTANT!!! This is NOT for the weak minded... this is fairly advanced stuff and you can damage your phone very badly if you mess it up because you must INTENTIONALLY brick your device during this process... that IS the SECOND step... So unless you really know what you're doing on a PC and linux... you might want to wait for someone to write a tool to do this stuff automatically...

Things you'll need...

  • You'll need a linux PC and some basic linux knowledge...
  • ADB and Fastboot and know how to use them properly
  • The 2.08 or 2.17 RUU ZIP image (if you have the exe, run it, let it extract all the way to the first screen and then open explorer and look for it in your docs/settings or Users folder, it's in a temp folder, turn on hidden/system files and just search for the rom.zip, copy out of that folder)
  • You'll also need the 1.13 RUU EXE
  • Download the tools in the attachment (includes emmc_recover, tacoroot, zergRush, misc_version, hboot 1.40.0000)
First Step

You need to change your phones "Mainver" to a much lesser version. I used 1.10.651.2, but anything lower than the 1.13.651.7, because you'll need to run that RUU after, and if it's not lower it won't take it...

1.) To do this, start by extracting all your tools.zip to the place you have adb and fastboot stored.

2.) Then Gain temp root. (Tacoroot works on 2.17 and zergRush works on 2.0

3.) Change your directory to that location and type the following commands, in order.

adb push misc_version /data/local/ adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/misc_version adb shell /data/local/misc_version -s 1.10.651.2 adb reboot bootloader fastboot getvar mainver
You should see mainver: 1.10.651.2

If not, you've done something wrong or didn't have root, start over... do not proceed until you get this output, otherwise you'll end up with your only option being flashing 1.50 back and starting ALL over...

Second Step

BRICK (Yes, I said brick) your device. BUT in a CERTAIN way.

You need to brick your device by using an SD Card swap during the HBOOT Update.

1.) Take your 2.08(or 2.17) ZIP image, put it on the root of your SDCard, call it PG86IMG.zip. (I HAVE PERSONALLY ONLY TESTED THIS WITH the 2.08 IMAGE, but it should work with the 2.17 one as well)

2.) Reboot to BootLoader, let it detect the zip and read and get to a point to update.

3.) Pull off the battery cover and plug the device into AC power.

4.) Pull the battery (The device should stay on, if it doesn't start over and try again)

5.) Here's the tricky part, Be ready to pull the ac cable out... press the vol up key in, Give it approximately 5 seconds while it says Updating on the BootLoader. Then Pull the AC quickly, and plug it right back in, if this worked right, you'll see the red charge light be VERY DIM, and it should stay solid and not blink... (the first time I did this in my video it blinked, and I think that was wrong and that I pulled it too soon perhaps...)

That should have been enough to brick it and put it into the correct mode for the next part.

Third Step

Next step is the linux part. Do not plug your phone in to the linux box until you are told to do so. Very important.

1.) Boot up to Linux (I used Ubuntu, but I am guessing that any will work)

2.) Copy the emmc_recover file and the hboot1.4.nb0 files to the linux box somewhere, just in your home folder will do.

3.) Run the command chmod 0755 /path/to/emmc_recover (changing "/path/to" to wherever it resides)

4.) Now this is where it's a little tricky, because you don't know exactly what device it's going to show up as... (mine showed up as /dev/sdb13 one time, then /dev/sdc13 the second time) It will always be the number 13, because that's your hboot partition. but the 3rd letter will differ. So what I did was open several terminal windows and typed in the following command in each one just changing the third letter from b to c and d and so on. (GSM Devices ARE Differently partitioned, I've heard that partition 12 is the correct one, but you'll need to make sure before hand)

./emmc_recover --flash hboot1.4.nb0 --device /dev/sdb13
So the next one would be /dev/sdc13, and so on.

It will ask you "Are you sure" press enter, it will ask once more, press Enter again. It should say " Waiting device /dev/sdb13......." (or sdc or whatever)

Make sure you get all your terminal windows to show this waiting state. And make sure you can SEE all of their outuputs...

5.) Now... Holding down the Volume Down key,(put the battery cover back on to make it easier to hold down (and hold it down the ENTIRE time) Plug the phone in, now watch your terminal windows, ONE of them will say "Foundit!" and then say the following:

511+1 records in 511+1 records out 1047808 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.36689 s, 2.9 MB/s Retun code is 0
Ubuntu's USB service will lock up and even the screen will go to a terminal screen (press ctrl alt del to get out of that)

But that's it!

From there, throw your battery back in, delete the PG86IMG.zip from your sd card and run the RUU 1.13 while in Fastboot, then just revolutionary and have a beer.

Somewhat of an edit here... before your beer...
Because of the issues I ran into with Revolutionary, I didn't get to the point where it asked to flash a recovery... I did this via fastboot, and simply used TWRP 2.0 .img file. (fastboot flash recovery blahblahblah.img, this did NOT work when it was just regular S-OFF, only when it was revolutionary S-OFF, just an FYI, YMMV)

DISCLAIMER This is NOT a guarantee... because I'm sure it could come back... But in basic terms... I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR DEVICE, I have given you a method that worked for me, and SHOULD work for you, but if your house burns down, your car gets a flat tire, or your phone stops working... You are responsible for any and all of those things.

[DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices) - xda-developers
Nice man from I was hearing in the past you couldn't downgrade hboot 1.5... Looks like you can now tho it is a shot in the dark... I wonder how many folks will brick hopefully they don't.

Looks kinda risky ..... Really hope no NOOBS try this until they are a pro at things...

If you like my work or the guides I make feel free to drop me a thanks.. Coffee also liked to lol.. Here to help.

Last edited by reaper24; 03-15-2012 at 09:47 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by reaper24
Nice man from I was hearing in the past you couldn't downgrade hboot 1.5... Looks like you can now tho it is a shot in the dark... I wonder how many folks will brick hopefully they don't.

Looks kinda risky ..... Really hope no NOOBS try this until they are a pro at things...
Yeah ill give it a try on my girlfriends E3D

Sent from my E3D using Forum Runner

Last edited by Karl; 03-15-2012 at 11:47 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 10:33 PM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Originally Posted by Karl View Post
Yeah ill give it a try on my girlfriends E3D


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Lol if you brick it she gonna be pissed
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by reaper24
Lol if you brick it she gonna be pissed
Yea till I get her a new

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 10:41 PM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Originally Posted by Karl View Post
Yea till I get her a new

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Forum Runner
Do you have a evo 3d ? Lol... I am waiting till something more stable comes out hboot 1.5 isn't bothering me that much Then I will give it a shot...

I been really liking the evo 3d I had the OG EVO and a samsung epic Never liked the epic...

Last edited by reaper24; 03-15-2012 at 10:46 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2012, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by reaper24
Do you have a evo 3d ? Lol... I am waiting till something more stable comes out hboot 1.5 isn't bothering me that much Then I will give it a shot...

I been really liking the evo 3d I had the OG EVO and a samsung epic Never liked the epic...
Naw I trade my E3D for the nexus

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2012, 10:57 AM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Originally Posted by reaper24 View Post
Nice man from I was hearing in the past you couldn't downgrade hboot 1.5... Looks like you can now tho it is a shot in the dark... I wonder how many folks will brick hopefully they don't.

Looks kinda risky ..... Really hope no NOOBS try this until they are a pro at things...
Originally Posted by reaper24 View Post
Lol if you brick it she gonna be pissed
Well it turns out that bricking the EVO-3D is at the heart of the procedure, lol. To answer the question directly, yes, 100% of the phones attempting this WILL BE BRICKED. Turns out the OP found a way to recover from brick and flash the downgraded HBOOT.

It's a thing of beauty.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2012, 06:53 PM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Originally Posted by kidFromBigD View Post
Well it turns out that bricking the EVO-3D is at the heart of the procedure, lol. To answer the question directly, yes, 100% of the phones attempting this WILL BE BRICKED. Turns out the OP found a way to recover from brick and flash the downgraded HBOOT.

It's a thing of beauty.
Ya I seen that... Tho it still is possible to permanently spank your phone...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2012, 08:59 PM
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Re: [DOWNGRADE HBOOT] HBOOT 1.50(And possibly future/other devices)

Will its not bricked if it can be recovered
thats more of a soft brick if anything
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