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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 12:43 AM
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Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.


I'd like to do a couple of things -

1. In email, I'll never use the threading or favorite e-mails. Can I change the buttons to things I would like - e.g. sent items or just remove the icons I'll never use completely? (not sure if it matters but I'm using exchange for email).

2. On the home screen I'd like a smaller clock so I can have more space for other things. Ideally I'll find a good widget for putting some upcoming calendar events in the home screen. Not through selecting calendar but I'd like my lock screen and or my home screen to show upcoming calendar events.

3. How do I reasign the hard buttons? I'll probably use the camera about 5 times during the length of time I own my phone but there are plenty of apps I'll use regularly that I'd like to assign a hard button - e.g. flashlight.

4. I'm not sure what to call the other screens you can flip/rotate to after the home screen but I only need 4 and it has 7. I'd prefer to rotate around quicker back to my home page since I don't need the other pages.


Last edited by boe; 07-06-2011 at 10:31 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 09:06 AM
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Re: Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.

Not sure about 1 and 3 without rooting but:

2. You can remove the the standard HTC weather clock and use a smaller HTC clock or you can try one of the clocks from Beautiful Widgets or Fancy Widgets. I prefer the super clocks in Beautiful Widgets. Not sure if those are available in the free version.

4. Not too sure about removing screens without someone cooking a custom ROM on this either but may I suggest using those screens for widgets or shortcuts to you most used apps. At first I couldn't get used to so many screens on my E4G but I quickly made use of the extra realestate .

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 10:34 AM
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Re: Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.

Originally Posted by sanmanc View Post
Not sure about 1 and 3 without rooting but:

2. You can remove the the standard HTC weather clock and use a smaller HTC clock or you can try one of the clocks from Beautiful Widgets or Fancy Widgets. I prefer the super clocks in Beautiful Widgets. Not sure if those are available in the free version.

4. Not too sure about removing screens without someone cooking a custom ROM on this either but may I suggest using those screens for widgets or shortcuts to you most used apps. At first I couldn't get used to so many screens on my E4G but I quickly made use of the extra realestate .
Thanks - where do I find the smaller HTC clock?

I put everything I wanted already on the first 4 - I still have room left over. 80% of the time I use my phone for a phone and about 15% of the time I use it for email/calendar/contacts. I use all the other functionality about 5% of the time. I know it can do a ton of things but the reality is I really don't need most other things.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 04:19 PM
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Re: Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.

Forgive my ignorance - are the features I'm requesting common in roots or are these unusual requests.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 06:34 PM
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Re: Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.

For the smaller clock... press the personalization button on the bottom right of the home screen > press widget > press clock > swipe the screen over to the third option (small digital clock). You can also download clock widgets from the android market if you're looking for a different style, just do a search on there.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 09:03 PM
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Re: Newbie question on customizing buttons and features of my phone.

^ What Clipp said ^

Sorry I wasn't able to reply right away.
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