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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:29 AM
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EVO 3D Temp Root

The first version of Fre3vo, the temp-root delivery tool for HTC EVO 3D and HTC Sensation is NOW LIVE!


1. You must be able to push files via adb to your device.
2. You must know what a shell is.

1. Download the fre3vo binary
2. Push the binary via 'adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp'
3. Change the permissions via 'adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo'
4. Run the binary via 'adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo'

If all goes well, you'll be told that adbd has been killed.

run 'adb shell' and you should have a '#' prompt instead of '%'.

This is temporary root. A reboot will clobber it. Also realize that the system partition is nand-protected (at least on the EVO 3D) so writes won't stick for long, and there will be issues getting tools like Titanium Backup to work. We are still developing upon this huge stepping stone. We look forward to hearing methods other developers have found to build temp root to either make the device better, or gain perm root even.

This *IS* a work in progress.

The Root of all EVO • View topic - Fre3vo released in the wild!

Credit goes to agrabren and teamwin. I'm just reposting this for others.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 08:45 AM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Thanks Jay for the heads up.....Here is some expanded instructions:

First, you will need to download & install the E3D drivers.

Next, Download & extract Android SDK, I extracted to C:\SDK

Then, copy the fre3vo file to the sdk\tools folders (where ever u installed it...ie...c:\sdk\tools)

Here is a copy of the commands as I did it:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Ken>cd c:\sdk\tools

c:\SDK\tools>adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT16JHX09642 device <---- make sure u see your device, if blank, install the drivers

c:\SDK\tools>adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp <----copies the fre3vo file to /data/local/tmp
1353 KB/s (9704 bytes in 0.007s)

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo <------set the permissions for the fre3vo file

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo <-----executes the fre3vo file
Locating access point... <-----you will see more output than this, but since I had previously installed the root, I did not get the full output

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
# <-----this is root , if you have a %, you did something wrong, start over


Last edited by OMJ; 07-02-2011 at 09:05 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 10:03 AM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

This might be a dumb question but if I don't have access to a computer is it possible to do this directly from our phones?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 11:51 AM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

keep getting message adb is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:14 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Originally Posted by angkof View Post
keep getting message adb is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file
did u install sdk? if so, u must be in the sdk\tools folder.....ie....cd c:\sdk\tools

*EDIT* looks like the latest sdk has changed....follow these insrtuctions:

The adb tool has moved to platform-tools/

If you don't see this directory in your SDK,
launch the SDK and AVD Manager (execute the android tool)
and install "Android SDK Platform-tools"

Please also update your PATH environment variable to
include the platform-tools/ directory, so you can
execute adb from any location.

Last edited by OMJ; 07-02-2011 at 12:20 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:21 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Thanks for the write up, probably still going to wait until full root is obtained since the phone goes back after a reboot. Shouldn't be to long now with temp root out.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:21 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
Thanks Jay for the heads up.....Here is some expanded instructions:

First, you will need to download & install the E3D drivers.

Next, Download & extract Android SDK, I extracted to C:\SDK

Then, copy the fre3vo file to the sdk\tools folders (where ever u installed it...ie...c:\sdk\tools)

Here is a copy of the commands as I did it:
I am a major noob. I guess I've rooted a hero and an original Evo 4G.

Anyways, I have followed these instructions I think pretty well. I get to the folder for sdk tools, but it is not recognizing the adb command. I need additional help. I have decided I will wait for permanent root because I will probably ruin something, but I need to ace this adb.

The sdk install was extremely confusing. I don't remember so much work for the other phones installing sdk. It wants me to install all types of add-ons and things. Any help is appreciated. I'm sorry I'm such a noob.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:30 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

the sdk is confusing, i just found the adb drivers somewhere else(MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service) and unzipped them to sdk/tools folder and when on with omj directions and it worked
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 01:14 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

yes, I recall sdk being initially confusing. Haus @ XDA put together a script that makes it alot easier. You dont need sdk, it already has adb, but you still need the E3D drivers. This will add Superuser also.

Extract the attached script somewhere on your pc.....ie....c:\adb (I copied to c:\sdk\tools2)

open a cmd prompt, cd to that folder, and type fre3vo

Thanks goes out to Haus for the script!
Attached Files
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 05:33 PM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
yes, I recall sdk being initially confusing. Haus @ XDA put together a script that makes it alot easier. You dont need sdk, it already has adb, but you still need the E3D drivers. This will add Superuser also.

Extract the attached script somewhere on your pc.....ie....c:\adb (I copied to c:\sdk\tools2)

open a cmd prompt, cd to that folder, and type fre3vo

Thanks goes out to Haus for the script!
it tell me that the exploit has failed
then give me #

i have tried like 10 times and i cannot get it to pass...any help?
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evo 3d, root, temp

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