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Old 07-02-2011, 08:45 AM
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Re: EVO 3D Temp Root

Thanks Jay for the heads up.....Here is some expanded instructions:

First, you will need to download & install the E3D drivers.

Next, Download & extract Android SDK, I extracted to C:\SDK

Then, copy the fre3vo file to the sdk\tools folders (where ever u installed\sdk\tools)

Here is a copy of the commands as I did it:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Ken>cd c:\sdk\tools

c:\SDK\tools>adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT16JHX09642 device <---- make sure u see your device, if blank, install the drivers

c:\SDK\tools>adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp <----copies the fre3vo file to /data/local/tmp
1353 KB/s (9704 bytes in 0.007s)

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo <------set the permissions for the fre3vo file

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo <-----executes the fre3vo file
Locating access point... <-----you will see more output than this, but since I had previously installed the root, I did not get the full output

c:\SDK\tools>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
# <-----this is root , if you have a %, you did something wrong, start over


Last edited by OMJ; 07-02-2011 at 09:05 AM.
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