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  #711 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 03:15 AM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.17.651.5 | 2.3.4 | Updated *4/5/12*

Originally Posted by aedon View Post
Maybe he ment to either post this on omjs EVO 4g page?

Or he ment to say EVO 3d lol

Or he lucked out by not making his phone a paperweight o.O

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Ya I am still scratchin my head on that one...

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  #712 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Curb71 View Post
is there a file I can flash to make that option reappear? Or is Leedroid tweaks compatible with this ROM? Do I have any other options? lite preferred.
Its a mod, rom tweaks not a flash file.

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  #713 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by xeagle24 View Post
Hello, some times the device restart by itself, does anyone knows why? And got another one, since 2.4 version, when I launch the Datch (ndrive 11) and some if I want to transfer my purchases (obviously I say no) and wait for gps signal, the program shut off by itself too...any comment?

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The phone resets probably because of the kernal.
The anthrax kernal isnt perfect yet. That's one of ita documented bugs.

But it is the only 2.17 kernal I know of that has oc capacity.
So love it or leave it haha.

If problem persists I recomend flashing one of freezas kernals.
Its practically stock with performance tweaks but it is 100% stable

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  #714 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 11:04 AM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.17.651.5 | 2.3.4 | Updated *4/5/12*

Originally Posted by smitch00 View Post
OMJ, is it possible to add the quick settings settings back, via flashable zip or apk?

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I have added extended quick settings, but I know more can be added. I'm sure there's a flashable one somewhere, but it would probably also erase some of the other mods I've added.

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Yeah Idk what I'm doing wrong. And yes I do have on wifi.

I tried wiping cache and davlik cache then reflashing the ROM and wiping both again after this morning's freeze. So far no reboots we'll see over the next day and after a nights charge.

If it still gives me problems I'll try the kernel. I'm assuming I'd just super Wipe, flash the ROM wipe the caches and then flash the kernel and maybe wipe caches again and reboot?

Thanks for all the help

Positive Vibrations
If you're going to try freezas kernel, I would just flash the kernel, then wipe caches....no need to reflash ROM.

Originally Posted by Curb71 View Post
Is there a built in option to set the volume keys to wake the phone?
no, it was part of "ROM Tweaks", but it was not officially updated for 2.17 (last I checked)

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Ok just had another ghost reboot so I'm gonna try going back to Freeza's Kernel. Just a heads up. I tried the kernel from your link and it said md5 didn't match. So I'm downloading the same kernel from here: [Kernel]3/14/12 StockMOD 2.17.651.5 Core Duo/ScreenOff Script/NoCIQ/DimLights - xda-developers I'm guessing that just means that the download was a corrupt file. I truly hope this addresses my issues. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Edit: Oddly, despite saying flash successful, now it doesn't look like the kernel has even changed. I guess I have to just either suck it up and deal with the reboots or go back to my safe stable version 2.5 Nandroid
why do you say it hasn't changed? did u check the kernel version?
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  #715 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
why do you say it hasn't changed? did u check the kernel version?
Yeah I checked the kernel version and it was still the same as the kernel listed before the flash and on your screen shot.
I found a happy medium. I went back to my 2.5 nandroid (removed like 20apps I realized from all this flashing I hadn't used in months lol) my radios are now updated and then I pushed the apk you posted earlier to get my colored notification icons back. At least now it looks similar, I still get the new radios, and I'm stable plus get to use ROM tweaks still. Guess I'll just wait on ICS I'm sure moving to a completely new os version is gonna take some heavy wiping anyway. Hopefully it all comes together then. Again thanks you've been super helpful!

Edit: ok maybe one more stab at this. After reading your response I decided to give it one more go. I just flashed back to a nandroid of the first time I flashed 2.7 but I noticed the kernel was different than the last time I checked my previous 2.7 when trying to go to freezas ROM.

Idk what's going on. Before I flashed Freeza's kernel I had the same kernel as the pic in your post http://db.tt/QwOdilQN

After my attempt to flash freezas kernel samething. But now after reverting to this older nandroid I'm seeing a different kernel. It shows http://db.tt/dZJYQovj

So now I'm back at square one lost as to what kernel I was ever on or what the hell is going on lol. Idk

Positive Vibrations

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Last edited by princem131; 04-13-2012 at 12:30 PM.
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  #716 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I have added extended quick settings, but I know more can be added. I'm sure there's a flashable one somewhere, but it would probably also erase some of the other mods I've added.

If you're going to try freezas kernel, I would just flash the kernel, then wipe caches....no need to reflash ROM.

no, it was part of "ROM Tweaks", but it was not officially updated for 2.17 (last I checked)

why do you say it hasn't changed? did u check the kernel version?
ROM tweeks replaces systemui.apk framework-res.apk and a few other files from the framework folder.

And that's something I noticed on your Rom in the past, I flashed the ziggy kernal on your last 2.08 build but it did not register or change the LEDs from dim to bright.

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  #717 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Yeah I checked the kernel version and it was still the same as the kernel listed before the flash and on your screen shot.
I found a happy medium. I went back to my 2.5 nandroid (removed like 20apps I realized from all this flashing I hadn't used in months lol) my radios are now updated and then I pushed the apk you posted earlier to get my colored notification icons back. At least now it looks similar, I still get the new radios, and I'm stable plus get to use ROM tweaks still. Guess I'll just wait on ICS I'm sure moving to a completely new os version is gonna take some heavy wiping anyway. Hopefully it all comes together then. Again thanks you've been super helpful!

Positive Vibrations
Zone has ROM tweaks in his 2.17 build. So it is possible to have it

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  #718 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 01:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.17.651.5 | 2.3.4 | Updated *3/1/12*

Originally Posted by xxwycxx View Post
Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I can make you an update to get the paginated app drawer back...

I would really appreciate that.

here ya go....see attached

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Yeah I checked the kernel version and it was still the same as the kernel listed before the flash and on your screen shot.
I found a happy medium. I went back to my 2.5 nandroid (removed like 20apps I realized from all this flashing I hadn't used in months lol) my radios are now updated and then I pushed the apk you posted earlier to get my colored notification icons back. At least now it looks similar, I still get the new radios, and I'm stable plus get to use ROM tweaks still. Guess I'll just wait on ICS I'm sure moving to a completely new os version is gonna take some heavy wiping anyway. Hopefully it all comes together then. Again thanks you've been super helpful!

Edit: ok maybe one more stab at this. After reading your response I decided to give it one more go. I just flashed back to a nandroid of the first time I flashed 2.7 but I noticed the kernel was different than the last time I checked my previous 2.7 when trying to go to freezas ROM.

Idk what's going on. Before I flashed Freeza's kernel I had the same kernel as the pic in your post http://db.tt/QwOdilQN

After my attempt to flash freezas kernel samething. But now after reverting to this older nandroid I'm seeing a different kernel. It shows http://db.tt/dZJYQovj

So now I'm back at square one lost as to what kernel I was ever on or what the hell is going on lol. Idk

Positive Vibrations

now u got me confused, lol
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  #719 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 02:22 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.17.651.5 | 2.3.4 | Updated *4/5/12*

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
Yeah I checked the kernel version and it was still the same as the kernel listed before the flash and on your screen shot.
I found a happy medium. I went back to my 2.5 nandroid (removed like 20apps I realized from all this flashing I hadn't used in months lol) my radios are now updated and then I pushed the apk you posted earlier to get my colored notification icons back. At least now it looks similar, I still get the new radios, and I'm stable plus get to use ROM tweaks still. Guess I'll just wait on ICS I'm sure moving to a completely new os version is gonna take some heavy wiping anyway. Hopefully it all comes together then. Again thanks you've been super helpful!

Edit: ok maybe one more stab at this. After reading your response I decided to give it one more go. I just flashed back to a nandroid of the first time I flashed 2.7 but I noticed the kernel was different than the last time I checked my previous 2.7 when trying to go to freezas ROM.

Idk what's going on. Before I flashed Freeza's kernel I had the same kernel as the pic in your post http://db.tt/QwOdilQN

After my attempt to flash freezas kernel samething. But now after reverting to this older nandroid I'm seeing a different kernel. It shows http://db.tt/dZJYQovj

So now I'm back at square one lost as to what kernel I was ever on or what the hell is going on lol. Idk

Positive Vibrations
how about I cook a 2.7 version w/ Freezas kernel baked in?

*EDIT* here ya go....I did not test it...


Last edited by OMJ; 04-13-2012 at 04:25 PM.
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  #720 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2012, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
how about I cook a 2.7 version w/ Freezas kernel baked in?

*EDIT* here ya go....I did not test it...

Wow your awesome. I'll give it a whirl. Superwipe then flash I'm guessing?

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