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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

You could count me as a +1 to the original poster. I like my Imagio, wouldn't mind something with HD2 internals on VZW and Windows Mobile. For all the faults I like it just fine, especially for Exchange.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Before you get all wound up , spend an hour on the HD2 forum and look at all the problems they are having with that phone.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

+10000 from ME!! I just posted this idea in the Imagio forum where they were talking about they wished that the Incredible was the HD2 instead. I said that it would be if it had WP6.5. Then I said that we should see if anyone would be interested in looking into a port.

MODS!! PLEASE STICKY THIS! We need a port of WP6.5 to Incredible!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 06:39 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by proimageprints View Post
+10000 from ME!! I just posted this idea in the Imagio forum where they were talking about they wished that the Incredible was the HD2 instead. I said that it would be if it had WP6.5. Then I said that we should see if anyone would be interested in looking into a port.

MODS!! PLEASE STICKY THIS! We need a port of WP6.5 to Incredible!
I don't think the mods want to see a great phone OS go backwards. WM6.5 has seen it's day , time to move on.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 10:43 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

I hate to say it but putting WM on the Inc would make it junk! I was against jumping to Android but since I did I'm not looking back. It has all the features that you love like copy and paste, add a file manager and your set. Exchange is great also. But android doesn't need to be soft reset all the time or really even tweaked. It works pretty flawless IMO... I'm not looking back, best decision I have made concerning mobile OS'S.
Hope this helps? Please press the button if it did.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by Reef48 View Post
I hate to say it but putting WM on the Inc would make it junk! I was against jumping to Android but since I did I'm not looking back. It has all the features that you love like copy and paste, add a file manager and your set. Exchange is great also. But android doesn't need to be soft reset all the time or really even tweaked. It works pretty flawless IMO... I'm not looking back, best decision I have made concerning mobile OS'S.
+1 I was very unsure about switching to a droid as I had my tp finally setup the way I wanted with only a few issues but when the screen died I was going to get a TP2 but decided I would try a INC and if I didn't like it I would send it back and get the TP2. After a day with the INC I ain't going back and now that I have had it for 5 days I wonder why I didn't switch sooner. It's just a great phone and having demo'ed a WP7 phone I like the prospects but it has a ways to go. Even my brother inlaw who works on the WP7 said he was impressed with the INC and likes what they have done
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

The reason WM is going down the tubes is because the phones were never set up correctly . Never enough processor , never enough memory. They just lag , lock-up and have to be soft-reset all the time. The first quarter of this year , android outsold the IPhone and WM wasn't even close , they were in last place.
They had one of the largest companies ( MS ) in the world behind them and still could not do it right . Only a fool would want to stay with an outdated , slow OS ? Plus what you want to do is illegal.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 08:39 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

they wont sticky it because ITS ILLEGAL... what dont u guys get about this. phones that come with winmo pay microsoft for winmo... without paying m$ its illegal and wont be on this forum
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
The reason WM is going down the tubes is because the phones were never set up correctly . Never enough processor , never enough memory. They just lag , lock-up and have to be soft-reset all the time. The first quarter of this year , android outsold the IPhone and WM wasn't even close , they were in last place.
They had one of the largest companies ( MS ) in the world behind them and still could not do it right . Only a fool would want to stay with an outdated , slow OS ? Plus what you want to do is illegal.
As far as the lag and lockup issues with WM, I believe that a VERY large part of that is due to lack of processor and memory, hence my desire for a more powerful hardware platform. I may be all wet, but I know from experience that my TP NEVER performed as well as my TP2 (I'm on Verizon, so I had the crippled TP with 1/2 the RAM). I honestly believe that a large part of the stability was due to improved hardware.
My TP2 does perform great, and I have VERY few issues.

As far as the Legality issue, I stand corrected. I failed to consider this aspect prior to making my post. I was just a little excited to see others were on the same thought train as myself. I would not expect, encourage, or condone anyone to do something which does not follow the law.
Thanks for bringing the legality issue forward.

Last edited by proimageprints; 05-18-2010 at 12:26 PM. Reason: typo
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

I understand what you are saying , I was wm since the first smartphones .
What I am saying is why didn't MS require the phones builder to add the hardware that the phone needed to run windows correctly (fast & smooth) ?
MS has the clout to do that. Had that been done , you wouldn't have to flash a phone to make it run correctly. Since they could care less if I have to reset a phone , or flash it to make it work , time to move on.
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