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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:25 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

There are about 59,000 android apps now , go to some of the android threads and ask about them .
HTC Incredible
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:26 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
I still don't believe that the WM7 phone will end the lags and soft resets.
microsoft has been on a roll with getting things right lately. i hope for the best. however i soft reset daily no matter what, usually in the morning on my way out...so that never bothered me

Originally Posted by frizzlefry View Post
that Documents To Go sounds promising, too bad it is $15. What about things like scilors groovemobile for wm? is there a lot of free dev going on or is it just fart apps?
sometimes you have to pay for good apps. the only reason you didn't have to pay for on the tp was htc did for you to get it on there. normally the winmo office app runs $30...

as far as winmo dev goes. there is a lot, thats what kinda kept me running winmo. but at the end of the day its still cruddy old winmo...and its typically independent devs doing it on their free time. its a dead platform, companies are not going to be supporting it for much longer...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by MrGoodCat View Post
microsoft has been on a roll with getting things right lately. i hope for the best. however i soft reset daily no matter what, usually in the morning on my way out...so that never bothered me
Agreed, I think MS really hit the mark with Windows 7 and I have high hopes for WP7.

OP, I share your interest though, I am on Sprint so my hopes would be to get WM 6.5.X on the EVO. Pipe dreams I know, but despite what anybody on this forum says, to me this would be really cool. Unfortunately, because of copyright issues, this won't ever be a legal reality unless you purchase WM directly through MS without the purchase of a phone.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by MrGoodCat View Post
microsoft has been on a roll with getting things right lately. i hope for the best. however i soft reset daily no matter what, usually in the morning on my way out...so that never bothered me

sometimes you have to pay for good apps. the only reason you didn't have to pay for on the tp was htc did for you to get it on there. normally the winmo office app runs $30...

as far as winmo dev goes. there is a lot, thats what kinda kept me running winmo. but at the end of the day its still cruddy old winmo...and its typically independent devs doing it on their free time. its a dead platform, companies are not going to be supporting it for much longer...
I have the Imagio which is their latest and you reset much more than twice a day. Sometimes you have to take the battery out. Point out what they have got right . ?????????????
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
I have the Imagio which is their latest and you reset much more than twice a day. Sometimes you have to take the battery out. Point out what they have got right . ?????????????
zune hd, xbox 360 (upgrades to live services), windows 7 (a big one to me). see these are all personal preferences though. for instance some hate the zune hd, i love it, one of the best music players i have had. so to each their own. i just really feel microsoft is somewhat learning from mistakes this time around. this is a huge topic for another thread though, haha, its just my 2 cents, don't gotta pick it up if you don't want to. and hey, you could be right, they could very well drop the ball yet again like they are known to do, i just keep high hopes.

well i had the tp2 for nearly 6 months, i think it comes down to how the user treats it. if i didn't want to, i wouldn't have to soft reset for a weeks at a time. then again i was never a "power user". i never once had to hard reset, unless of course i had just flashed to a new rom, but then again i cooked my own, did all my own customizations. you'd be surprised at some of the crap that gets packed into cabs that has nothing to do with what you think you are installing, haha. none the less, it was a great phone, winmo just hit an abrupt dead end for me one day. but also like you have said, i think there are more horror stories about winmo than good ones like mine...so take it for what its worth.

if winmo ended up being ported to the incredible i'd try it, haha. one thing i found funny though was the android port for the tp2, despite the fact it wasn't fully functional, the darn port ran smoother than native winmo did! that pushed me over the edge, hahaa
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by MrGoodCat View Post
zune hd, xbox 360 (upgrades to live services), windows 7 (a big one to me). see these are all personal preferences though. for instance some hate the zune hd, i love it, one of the best music players i have had. so to each their own. i just really feel microsoft is somewhat learning from mistakes this time around. this is a huge topic for another thread though, haha, its just my 2 cents, don't gotta pick it up if you don't want to. and hey, you could be right, they could very well drop the ball yet again like they are known to do, i just keep high hopes.

well i had the tp2 for nearly 6 months, i think it comes down to how the user treats it. if i didn't want to, i wouldn't have to soft reset for a weeks at a time. then again i was never a "power user". i never once had to hard reset, unless of course i had just flashed to a new rom, but then again i cooked my own, did all my own customizations. you'd be surprised at some of the crap that gets packed into cabs that has nothing to do with what you think you are installing, haha. none the less, it was a great phone, winmo just hit an abrupt dead end for me one day. but also like you have said, i think there are more horror stories about winmo than good ones like mine...so take it for what its worth.

if winmo ended up being ported to the incredible i'd try it, haha. one thing i found funny though was the android port for the tp2, despite the fact it wasn't fully functional, the darn port ran smoother than native winmo did! that pushed me over the edge, hahaa
Exactly !!! Hey , I'm not trying to argue with you , I love wm also . But when I see an OS that works the way it is susposed to , fast and clean , I have to jump. I enjoy discussing this with someone who has a brain and experience.
I am so tired of hearing" can you install a cab on the stock rom" , etc, you know what I mean. None of the noobs want to spend 10 seconds reading how to do something , they expect you to tell them how to do it.
I might be totally disappointed with the Incredible , but if what I have read is half true , I doubt it .
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:19 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
I have the Imagio which is their latest and you reset much more than twice a day. Sometimes you have to take the battery out. Point out what they have got right . ?????????????
The Imagio is HTC's latest but with MS's arhaeic and dying platform (unfortunately at this time the latest that has been released). The expected performance of the Imagio should be about what you would expect from a WM device that is 3+ years old because its the same core OS. MS hasn't put any efforts to drastically change the 6.X series which is why they are abandoning it and moving forward with something new and fresh, WP7. Based on NEW software they have RECENTLY released, I would say they are headed in a good direction. WM 6.X cannot not be included in MS's new path, WP7 can.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

wow this turned out to be a decent discussion. now if only I can get verizon to renew my alltel contract and give me an incredible. the comparable verizon plan is 36 more a month.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:51 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
The Imagio is HTC's latest but with MS's arhaeic and dying platform (unfortunately at this time the latest that has been released). The expected performance of the Imagio should be about what you would expect from a WM device that is 3+ years old because its the same core OS. MS hasn't put any efforts to drastically change the 6.X series which is why they are abandoning it and moving forward with something new and fresh, WP7. Based on NEW software they have RECENTLY released, I would say they are headed in a good direction. WM 6.X cannot not be included in MS's new path, WP7 can.
I agree , but they have always come up new exciting software, just never seemed to integrate it correctly into the device OS's, especially Sense.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile on the Incredible

Originally Posted by frizzlefry View Post
that Documents To Go sounds promising, too bad it is $15. What about things like scilors groovemobile for wm? is there a lot of free dev going on or is it just fart apps?
Documents To Go is fully worth the 15 bucks that it costs, and Android has Grooveshark in the Market, but you have to pay a monthly subscription to reap the full benefits of it.
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