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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: Access LAN computers by IP on Touch Diamond

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
What's your problem, man? There's no need to be rude and tell people that they aren't helping and to shut-up.

It should be pretty logical that if he has access to his DESKTOP (ie all files on his computer), he'd at least be able to open whatever file he wanted to. I've used both logmein an remotedesktop on my diamond, and both have allowed me to access files on my PC from anywhere I had an internet connection on my phone. I don't know how you can view that as unhelpful. It's not as nice as a simple browser that would let you see shared drives on a WLAN, but a workaround to access files remotely.
Its not helpful because he can't access the files on his phone. Its nice that he can look at them, but he has no way of putting them on his phone. Hence wanting to browse the folders. I doubt being able to look at the contents of a zip file is as useful as actually being able to unzip it and manipulate its contents.
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