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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 06:27 PM
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Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

This is a poll so bear with me. I'm trying to figure out what the consensus is on how you make your battery last if you are able to.

1 ) How long does your battery last?
2 ) Which ROM are you running?
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM?
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day?
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day?
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail.
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much?
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned?
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.

Last edited by MrObvious; 06-22-2009 at 06:30 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 06:34 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) About 12 hours.
2 ) MightyROM5 Beta.
3 ) Leave phone in 1X when texting (most of the time), disable automatic screen brightness, disable Voice Command, disable QuickGPS, sync e-mail manually, kill Opera9.exe from loading on startup.
4 ) 50-100 but usually 100.
5 ) 10-30.
6 ) Maybe the occassional web surfing and checking of the weather. Also I manually check my e-mail.
7 ) No.
8 ) No.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) About 8-12 hours
2 ) Might Rom
3 ) No Tweaks
4 ) 20
5 ) 10
6 ) Opera Mobile for about an hour, and Email 3 times a day. Tv for 30 minutes too.
7 ) No Bluetooth or Wifi
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

This is a poll so bear with me. I'm trying to figure out what the consensus is on how you make your battery last if you are able to.

1 ) How long does your battery last? 10 hours on average
2 ) Which ROM are you running? Mighty/R3born
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? too much to list
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? bout 10 on average
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? maybe 20
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. A LOT, and I use WMWifirouter off and on a lot as well
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? bluetooth=rarely, wifi=see question 6
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned?have a charger handy at all times
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) How long does your battery last? 2-3 days on heavy use, close to 7 days on light use
2 ) Which ROM are you running?ATR3 V2
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? none
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day?15-20
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day?1-2 hours
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail.few hours on wifi/wifi router, emails every hour or so, palringo, opera for 30 minutes or so, weather updates every few hours, alot of modding(UI,new apps,new UI's ect).
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? Just wifi, close to 2 hours
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? Flash atr3 and see how it works for you, I also set auto disconnect to 30 sec. and unchecked allow all incoming beams...other then that I dont do anymore tweaks.

Also to add, when im not at work I have to roam constantly, which uses a little more battery power as well.

Last edited by TaylorSPJ; 06-22-2009 at 07:09 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 07:55 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) How long does your battery last? 36 hours
2 ) Which ROM are you running? GrooveRom 5
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? None
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? 50
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 1-2 hours
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. Direct Push always on. Browse Internet about 30 min/day. WeatherPanel Updates every hour.
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? Never turned on
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? Nope...sorry
You live and learn....just hope you don't brick it!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 08:00 PM
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Talking Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

Originally Posted by TaylorSPJ View Post
1 ) How long does your battery last? 2-3 days on heavy use, close to 7 days on light use
2 ) Which ROM are you running?ATR3 V2
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? none
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day?15-20
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day?1-2 hours
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail.few hours on wifi/wifi router, emails every hour or so, palringo, opera for 30 minutes or so, weather updates every few hours, alot of modding(UI,new apps,new UI's ect).
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? Just wifi, close to 2 hours
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? Flash atr3 and see how it works for you, I also set auto disconnect to 30 sec. and unchecked allow all incoming beams...other then that I dont do anymore tweaks.

Also to add, when im not at work I have to roam constantly, which uses a little more battery power as well.
WOW...I wish I can have your battery.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 08:04 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

Originally Posted by 2kmy477 View Post
WOW...I wish I can have your battery.
try the rom, everyone that has ran is has had close to same results in battery....its here, but more details on spj where i originally released it....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) How long does your battery last? 19hrs the longest
2 ) Which ROM are you running? Juicy 8
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? Ibrythill WM7 Titanium Project, a couple other Titanium tweaks
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? 5
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 2hrs
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. 20
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? seldom
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? I'm happy with the battery life.
Device: Touch Pro2
Radio: 1.92.00WV
ROM: Juicy R3
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

1 ) How long does your battery last? 7 hrs w/6.1 : 8 hrs w/6.5
2 ) Which ROM are you running? my own cooked up in calcu's kitchen (6.1)/my own cooked up in juicy's kitchen (6.5)
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? none
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day?approximately 50
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 15-20 mins
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. opera 3-4 hrs (plus about 30 mins downloading podcasts), updating rss feeds every 20-30 mins, updating weather every hour, 30 mins on pockeTwit, email every 30 mins (I use about 4.5 GIGS of data a month)
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? never use them
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? i keep a spare battery in my pocket

Last edited by tersoth; 06-22-2009 at 09:32 PM.
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