Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?
This is a poll so bear with me. I'm trying to figure out what the consensus is on how you make your battery last if you are able to.
1 ) How long does your battery last?
2 ) Which ROM are you running?
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM?
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day?
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day?
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail.
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much?
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned?
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.

Last edited by MrObvious; 06-22-2009 at 06:30 PM.