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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 09:44 PM
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cannot even hard reset now...

so i was just wondering if anyone has had this problem before. tried to hard reset my stock sprint diamond. I have dont it before with no problem. but now when i press the three buttons, it starts like it will "load" that option, but then my screen changes to 4 bars, one is red, the next is green, then blue and then white. at the very top is says "security unloacked" then below that (inn the red bar) it says diam500, spl-057.0000. microP-diam (LED) vB . then at the very bottom in the white bar, it says "serial"....
I took it to a sprint store and after and hour, the tech said the phone doesn't work so they ordered me one. but i was just curious if folks here are faniliar wiht this sceen.
if i try to just turn the phone on, it will not boot up. after the "touch diamond" screen its goes black and the buttons light up. phone is also completely stock.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

i think you enter the bootloader screen. to hard reset, why not go start>settings>system>clear storage and enter 1234? it's as easy as 1234!(whenever you get it back working)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

Originally Posted by dalastone View Post
so i was just wondering if anyone has had this problem before. tried to hard reset my stock sprint diamond. I have dont it before with no problem. but now when i press the three buttons, it starts like it will "load" that option, but then my screen changes to 4 bars, one is red, the next is green, then blue and then white. at the very top is says "security unloacked" then below that (inn the red bar) it says diam500, spl-057.0000. microP-diam (LED) vB . then at the very bottom in the white bar, it says "serial"....
I took it to a sprint store and after and hour, the tech said the phone doesn't work so they ordered me one. but i was just curious if folks here are faniliar wiht this sceen.
if i try to just turn the phone on, it will not boot up. after the "touch diamond" screen its goes black and the buttons light up. phone is also completely stock.
There's probably nothing wrong with your phone ... you are in "bootloader" mode. In order to do a factory reset, do the following ...

Take your battery out of the phone for a minute or so, then put it back in. Then hold the volume down button and the ok button (center of the dial), and with both of these being held down ... then push and hold the power on button ... and follow directions. Be sure to do the power on button last, as that will turn on your phone.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

Thanks for the fast replies!!! but there a no go. as for going to "start-ettings-etc" option, cant do that cuz the phone will not start up normally. after the touch diamond screen it'll just go black, then the buttons light up. as for that "three buttion press" yeah, thats how i did it before, but now just as it's getting to that prompt, the screen weill ficker then change to those colors. thans agin for thehelpthouh, i guess at least you guys know what the screen was. i will keep trying.

Last edited by dalastone; 06-09-2009 at 10:17 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:45 PM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

cant you just just plug thep hone into the computer and reflash a rom?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

i have no clue how to do that so I'm reading up on it and may give it a try.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2009, 02:50 AM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

if everything is stock on the phone i would just return it to sprint and tell them what happened. if it wasnt your fault doing any flashing or anything like that.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2009, 03:16 AM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

after spending almost an hour at the sprint store, the rep said the tech could not get the phone to boot. so they ordered me another(although, it would be a "reconditioned" one). so after getting back and reading threads here, i decided to try and fix it myself I really didn't want to give up my phone for a "refurb" especially since i know the history of my phone -no abuse/damage at all. so got the updated rom from htc site and hooked up the usb cable and wouldn't you know it boots up fine with thenew rom. the phone has been working flawlessly other than the ringer type "not sticking after a soft reset," and i cannot initiate a hard reset with the 3 button press- it'll always go to the bootloader. "clear storage" is the only way to do a hard reset now. i'm just happy my phone works again. sprint will hold the refurb for a few more days but im tiking i wont be needing it!

Last edited by dalastone; 06-15-2009 at 03:24 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: cannot even hard reset now...

Originally Posted by dalastone View Post
i cannot initiate a hard reset with the 3 button press- it'll always go to the bootloader.
Try it again, this time press and hold the Center button, Volume Down button, and the Power button. But make sure that the Power button is the LAST button you press and hold. A lot of people have been having this error and it is because of order. Trying to press the power button before any of the other two, or even in between order, will automatically prompt the phone to try and turn on and try to boot. From the Sounds of it you have been pressing the Volume Down button first, then the Power Button, and lastly the Center Button. Thus with the first two pressed, (Vol & Power) the phone goes straight to bootloader mode.
If I have helped you with my post please don't forget to hit the THANKS button ...

Last edited by a_medina626; 06-15-2009 at 11:02 AM.
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