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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 03:52 PM
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Remedial PPCing

OK all, here's the deal.

I've always had lousy one step above the free one-type cell phones.

I finally treated myself to a Diamond, and for the little bit I understand about it I really love it!

However, I am tech retarded and most of the stuff you guy/gals on here talk about is currently WAY over my head

Soooo....is there a remedial PPCing area on here somewhere that explains the very basic type information so I can begin to understand what all this is about??

Much Thanks,

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

Your best friend / worst enemy will be the search feature. It will give you everything you need but can be cluttered with useless results sometimes. Visit here as well as xda-developers.com and look at all of the instructional threads however many there may be, on customizing your phone.

With your phone, basically you can do a few things to customize it...

1.) Look for .cab files, they are like .exe's only for windows mobile. They will install stuff for you (programs, tweaks to the appearance of the phone...etc). But always be careful and make sure you KNOW EXACTLY what the cab is going to do to you phone, whether or not it can be un installed once you install it, and make sure if it needs to be used with one or two other cabs you have all you need. That's one basic method of customizing, using cab files to install tweaks and such.

2.) Another way is called flashing and then installing a custom rom. this is for when you get more advanced. You can install custom versions of windows mobile and it's features that other members have built/tweaked and is basically like installing a new version of windows on your phone. READ UP ON THIS BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING TO DO IT. you can permanently screw up your phone if you get one step wrong.

I'm sure a couple people will reply with some more useful information but thats just a quick blurb on two ways to customize your phone. Do research on here, xda-developers.com, and google before you try anything.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 05:20 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

As far as flashing ROMs (images of Windows Mobile for your phone), there is a nice sticky. Just do some reading on stickies and stuff.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

Originally Posted by Frustrator View Post
OK all, here's the deal.

I've always had lousy one step above the free one-type cell phones.

I finally treated myself to a Diamond, and for the little bit I understand about it I really love it!

However, I am tech retarded and most of the stuff you guy/gals on here talk about is currently WAY over my head

Soooo....is there a remedial PPCing area on here somewhere that explains the very basic type information so I can begin to understand what all this is about??

Much Thanks,


It all depends on what you want to accomplish with your device. It obviously has much potential, but each person has his or her own likes and dislikes, I could sit here and recommend installing all these apps and flashing to xyz ROM, but my ROM preference is my own... and my app preference is also my own... So you might not like the things that I do on my diamond. With all that said, I'll give you a few links to get you started and you can take it from there. I do suggest that you read up on the entire processes before doing anything. The biggest thing is to not be afraid of messing it up, it only holds you back.

First off you will want to Check out this post. It has a lot of the terms explained. It also explains in great detail how to go about unlocking and flashing your new toy.

Then I suggest you check out the radio thread here. Radio is a separate part of the ROM. It will change the way the radio works, in a way that could benefit your battery life and radio signal, there's no good or bad one here, because they vary per your location. The battery life improves if you have a better signal because it's not trying as hard to hold it.

Then after that, just look for various .cab files that can either add apps or make changes to your device to configure it the way you like it.

Phone: Sprint HTC EVO 3D
ROM: Synergy Nightly with Own Mods
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 06:20 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

Originally Posted by Frustrator View Post
OK all, here's the deal.

I've always had lousy one step above the free one-type cell phones.

I finally treated myself to a Diamond, and for the little bit I understand about it I really love it!

However, I am tech retarded and most of the stuff you guy/gals on here talk about is currently WAY over my head

Soooo....is there a remedial PPCing area on here somewhere that explains the very basic type information so I can begin to understand what all this is about??

Much Thanks,

What exactly are you wanting help with? You can PM me anytime if you need help understanding something.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 01:59 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

Thanks for the responses so far, I'll check out the links and stickies.

As to what exactly I need help with, THAT is my problem, I really am not sure, lol.

Seems like there are some pretty cool customization things around here, that I might be interested in trying, but my lack of even the most basic knowledge of how to do any of it makes it so I'm afraid to even try.

I'll read the recommended links etc to see if they explain enough to get me started, and in the meantime any other helpful replies are always welcome
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: Remedial PPCing

Originally Posted by Frustrator View Post
Thanks for the responses so far, I'll check out the links and stickies.

As to what exactly I need help with, THAT is my problem, I really am not sure, lol.

Seems like there are some pretty cool customization things around here, that I might be interested in trying, but my lack of even the most basic knowledge of how to do any of it makes it so I'm afraid to even try.

I'll read the recommended links etc to see if they explain enough to get me started, and in the meantime any other helpful replies are always welcome
My suggestion is to just start slow. Learn the phone and it's basic features right out of the box. The first source of info I read was the owners manual. I was and am still fairly new to all this as well. Took me months before I got the "nuggets" to even unlock and flash a ROM..now it's like a sickness. Read, read, read, and then read some more. This site is wonderful with a lot of info and people always willing to help. Welcome new geek. You will never go back to a boring ol flip phone again..

"I am Mulhiny and I am a flasher"..wmdunn
"I am Mulhiny and I'm a phone junkie"..Riley
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