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Old 02-13-2009, 12:20 PM
spiffyjiff's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC diamond
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Location: Maryland
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"cannot open" error

stock ROM, a few apps installed (spb phone, ultimatelaunch, weatherpanel) but nothing outrageous.

i have to soft reset about once a day (AT LEAST) and it's usu when i get the following error on ANYTHING i try to open:

"cannot open XXXX. a critical component is either missing or cannot start because program memory is unavailable. tap start > settings > system tab > memory, stop programs that did not automatically stop, and try again"

so i follow that path and all seems fine - i have 24MB of storage free and 138MB of program free. only problem is i cannot "stop programs" or whatever it's asking me to do. (as i thought) the memory list is only a place to see used/free memory, not a place to stop programs, right? thought that was thru the task manager, etc. (which, incidentally, i cannot get into cuz i get the error above!!!)

it seems the crash (??) is tied to opera but i cant be sure. just seems to happen more often than not when i'm doing a lot of opening/closing of opera.

questions are: can i get around a soft reset or any magic button push to reset this area? why does it keep happening???

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