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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 12:41 AM
sjrickli7's Avatar
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help answering my question on return.

I was eligible to upgrade jan 09 so i upgraded to a sprint htc diamond. I found out there were 3 dead pixels and i returned it at the sprint corp store. When i got my second diamond, the lady said that i'm limited to one discretionary exchange. And the next time i'll hafta get a refurbished one. So i got my second one, and i later noticed it had 1 dead pixel and the usb port is very loose (my first one was good except the 3 dead pixels)

I'm still before the 30-day return policy. Will i get the exact amount i paid for, back? And what happens if i sent the mail-in rebate already?

I was thinking about just returning this phone, switching back to my old plan. And wait a week and upgrade again for a new diamond since i'm only limited to one exchange. Will this work? Or will my eligibility be terminated the second time? Or can i just go to the sprint corporate store and ask for another exchange?

Any insight/answers to my issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: help answering my question on return.

You're limited to one exchange if your actually exchanging it for another model because you didn't like the first model you got.

Now, if you received a defective phone, then they must exchange it for you as many times as they need to (until they give you a GOOD working phone) with a new one as long as it is within the first 30 days. Ask to speak to a manager if they give you grief.
If I've helped ya, please feel free to hit the button, and as always, Youre Welcome!!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: help answering my question on return.

thank you for clearing it up for me. i will go exchange it again. hopefully this time i'll get a good one.
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