Well, I'm kind of a noob to posting here but I understand most of the in's and out's of these phones and I've written a little program that does exactly what you need. I call it SimpleScript. I modeled it after the SDConfig.txt commands so I could use it to create scripts similar to that or even run that one later after UC was done. That way if I changed my XML registry backups, I could reprovision them. On the side, I wrote my own Registry2XML (not to be confused with REG2XML) and XML2Registry programs. I then combined these 3 and started adding my own commands and functionality. Still working on it a little, but I use it like crazy. Currently adding functionality and learning C++ to translate it from
VB.NET to C++ for speed. Basically, it has the following functionality:
-Input XML file, it will provision "Registry" and "FileOperation" sections (still working on FileOperation a little, but Registry works perfectly.)
-Input Registry Key (ex. HKCU\Software\Microsoft), it exports the entire key to XML file (ex. Microsoft.XML)
-Input any other file, it will attempt to read it looking for certain config commands (similar to those used in SDConfig.txt)
Functionality I might add:
-Convert REG or RGU to XML (I just want to convert these to XML. Then if I want them in the registry, I'll input the XML to my program. I could then write a script that would combine those two actions.)
There is no GUI. This is command-line only. The really cool thing I added is the ability to input multiple commands on the command line. For example:
SimpleScript.exe HKCU\Software\Microsoft HKCU\Software\a_c, HKLM\System S2U2.XML, Script.txt
There are a LOT of other really nifty little features I added, but I'll leave it to you the community to decide if you're interested. Just e-mail or PM me with questions/comments/requests/ideas/etc.
Also, if anyone has any ideas on how to provision a EMAIL2 section, please lead me in the right direction. That particular functionality will hopefully be added when I get more time to research it.
If anyone has any ideas