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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:42 AM
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New, Some Detailed Questions Re: Diamond

Hi guys, I have just bought an HTC Diamond it is for telus.

I have some questions, forgive me if there is alot, I am new to this and I tried reading about the forums, but there is so much, and I got overwhelmed. So anyways here it goes;

I downloaded Juicy and I installed it, the phone rebooted etc but still looks the same??

I thought I could have a different menu option that looks like tiles ??
( i seen some1 press a button on thiers that said "pcb menu?? or something im not sure of the pcb part but there was something menu option, and when they pressed it, there was a bunch of tiles that looked really cool!


I wanted to take thie DIAMOND and then switch my existing PRE-PAID TELUS account to it. I obviously am not able to (legitamatelly through telus) being that this is a smart phone (and telus doesn't allow it or something) Hooking it up on a monthly plan is NOT an option for me either.

Now, I read there is a FIX for this, and that I need to take some info from my current phone (which is a KEYBO) and then inject it into my current phone.

With the KEYBO, getting the information is no problem, as I can connect to it via BITPIM. I jus't don't know what info it is I am looking for inside my keybo??

Also, where is this INFO inside my HTC DIAMOND? Is there a program such as BITPIM that I can use to read the filesystem of the HTC DIAMOND like I can with the LG KEyBo???

Soooo lol in short:
I want to take the MEID ( I think) info and ESN info (or whatever info it is I need) from my KEYBO (I already have access to the keybo filesystem and can read/write)

I need a program/app that lets me read/write the filesystem for the Diamond. I also need to know what info I need to take from the keybo, I hope you get what I mean...

Thanks alot for taking the time to read my questions, and I really hope some of you have some answeres for me Thanks alot~!!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 09:29 AM
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Re: New, Some Detailed Questions Re: Diamond

Read the Unlocking tutorial on how to Unlock and then Flash.

Then read the GPS tutorial for info on QPST. The Service Programming portion of it will do all that (or just use the info to get your SPC then dial ##778# or ##778 Send if you do it before you change over to juicy's ROM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 09:41 PM
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Re: New, Some Detailed Questions Re: Diamond

Ok, thank you VERY much for your reply. Now, I already did read the flashing tutorial, but not the GPS one? I figured what could it have to do with anything that I want.. But I guess I will read it Thanks.

So now when you say to dial ##78# is this the same as when I type ##telus on the keybo? When I type ##telus on the keybo I have to enter a 6 digit code (which I have) and then I get taken to an MEID 1 and 2 menu and then I can change the MEID options (which has my number listed) and when I change it to anohter number it says my phone is not connected! So I know I can do this! Thanks alot for that info, I will try it asap.

So, just to make sure I should revert back to telus stock rom, do the ##78# and then read the tutorial on programming, and then change all the info I need to match my prepaid account and then AFTER all is DONE, flash juicy's ROM in the end? Correct?

What about that menu I was talking about lol, I tried EVERY listed rom in the flashing tutorial and none of them have it~!!!! Let me try to be more specific; When you press "home" and go the home screen, there is 2 things on the bottom the screen the right side (our right) says programs/contacts and the other side says something else, there was something saying ???? menu" and when I pressed it, there was tiles that looked almost like the program's tiles... Get what I mean??.....

Just before I deleted all of the previous owners contacts I could press it and it would open up a sick looking programs menu...I really want that back too. could somebody shed some light on this for me, I have been reading thread after thread in hopes of stumbling onto this info (because searching for it turns up nowhere) I am VERY deep in the Surfboard modem hacking community, and if anybody needs/wants help with flashing surfboard modems I can help with ANYTHING (to do with Motorola surfboards) I know that is off topic but I just wanted to offer something in return for anybody that reads my long *** posts lol..and helps me. THANKS AGAIN for taking the time to read all this~!!!!

Thanks again for the replies, I really appreciate that you are trying to help such a newb like me

This is where the menus button that I am talking about USED to be :'( and I want it back soo badly. lol im such a newb

Last edited by thalungz; 12-17-2008 at 02:56 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 04:40 AM
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Re: New, Some Detailed Questions Re: Diamond

Ok, I found what it was with no help from here.. I hate this place, thanks again.

Oh wait, maybe some1 will use the same justification here like my other questions that weren't answered. Let me guess, the menu is illegal or something ?? hahaha stupid place.

Last edited by thalungz; 12-19-2008 at 03:48 AM.
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