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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 11:59 PM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
wow, never expected such an off the wall response from YOU dude, someone must have pizzed in ur corn flakes this morning.

and umm, i know what open source is, and believe me, im a Windows and Linux fanboy, and im still looking forward to running android on my diamond..
so umm, that generalization is pretty inaccurate buddy
what open source can do for U? give U the best app for free?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:00 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

It is indeed pure geek porn, and I do desire it from a geek perspective.

But at the end of the day, I just want my phone to work. And Android doesn't really seem to do anything better than Windows Mobile at this point.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
U think android is the shznit huh? open source huh? none of U know what open source is and what it can do for U. The only people that I know will like android is the linux people. all U PC's are just suckered by the hype.
Whoa, what? Calm down dude. This forum is filled with computer geeks and programmers. I deal with and administer Linux and Unix systems on a daily basis. Half of the software I use professionally and as a hobby is open source. And my experience is probably dwarfed by a lot of people here.

So calm down. You're not the authority on open source around here.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:03 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
U think android is the shznit huh? open source huh? none of U know what open source is and what it can do for U. The only people that I know will like android is the linux people. all U PC's are just suckered by the hype.
yeah but the android will have more advertisement than the diamond, which means more application/game development, like theres already an app that scans stuff you may want to buy, then it uses the internet and finds it for a cheaper price in your location.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:03 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Originally Posted by mekaputra View Post
Sooo... i don't know about anybody else, but Android on the Diamond would be amazing, wouldn't it ?

I mean I love the custom roms - (thanks Juicy and Myke and all the others) - but an android interface would be too sick =]]

I saw what the G1 can do, and the specs on G1 don't even compare with the Diamond - So it would look sooo good.

Ahhhhhhh I can't wait

Rock On!
damn it, how many time do I have to reply to this "Android" post?

here it goes again:

Android is made by GOOGLE which is nothing but an advertizer/marketing company. they design an OS so that everything have to go through their serices (gmail, etc) where they can sell more ad. "no sync to outlook" is an example

got it?

I don't trust marketing company to keep my personal information for marketing purpose. don't be fool by "open source". google gives you a candy and you jump like a kid.

Last edited by foxnews; 10-30-2008 at 12:05 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:05 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Ok read read read:

Five Common Myths About Linux and Android (Updated)

Yes, Android is a Linux phone. But, none of the apps are. Read more for a simple guide about how Android software works… and why it doesn’t work the way most believe.

Myth #1 - Android Lets You Run Linux Software.
While Android’s operating system is powered by Linux, all third-party applications run on a modified form of Java, called Dalvik.
Dalvik is essentially a fine-tuned version of Java, which Google made to avoid licensing fees. Dalvik is relatively identical to a desktop version of Java. In the future, Google plans to extend Dalvik with additional APIs that make it better for phones than Java.
So, to be clear, you cannot take your favorite Linux apps and just port them to Android.
Myth #2 - Enabling unsigned code lets you run Linux apps.
Like iPhone, applications have to play by Google’s rules. Even when you tell an Android phone to run Dalvik applications not approved by Google, there is no option to enable running Linux applications.
Myth #3 - I can just “jailbreak” my G1 to run Linux apps.
Sorry, no such method has been developed to date. While hackers have cooked custom versions of Android to run on select HTC devices… nobody has accomplished that on the G1. Worse, even bypassing any code checks… still wouldn’t get past the fact that Android doesn’t want to run Linux applications on the screen.
Android’s source code would have to be modified to permit running Linux applications… an even larger hurdle since the screen is controlled by Dalvik. It would require advanced Java and Linux programming to accomplish such a task. Even then, the system is running a pared-down version of Linux, designed to run nothing but Java/Dalvik apps.
Still, it’s not impossible for the future… there is enough code sitting in the SDK to pull it off. However, it would probably be about as buggy as the first jailbroken iPhone applications… that’s what not having a full SDK will do to a program.
As noted in the article update, some have called into question the relative ease of modifying Linux apps to run on Android… once some workaround has been developed. However, even if porting Linux applications to Android were easy today (and nobody is saying that at this point)… you still can’t get them to run on the G1 currently.
Myth #4 - Google is just waiting to roll out Linux app support in a few months.
Again, sorry, not true. There are no plans on the table at the OHA to open up Android to Linux apps. Considering mainstream phone makers like Samsung and Motorola haven’t even released first-generation Android phones… the change won’t happen any time soon.
Myth #5 - Google wants to open up Android to Linux.
Google has always existed in a world where Linux played second fiddle to the underlying software. Be it Python-powered Google searches, or Java-powered Dalvik, Google has never appreciated Linux as a runtime.
In fact, the only mainstream application to run in Linux, is Google Earth. And, that program requires a good multi-hour boot camp to learn how to install properly (for a person new to Linux). There aren’t any pre-packaged, double-click-to-install-versions.
(Google also does offer Picasa for Linux, however, it is the Windows version pre-packaged in a self-contained WINE environment, rather than a true Linux port).
Google doesn’t appear to want to embrace native Linux applications, but rather, spend the next several years developing Dalvik into an application platform of its own… complete with all the desktop services of comparable, modern, computing environments (Cocoa/Obj-C and .NET/C#).
Finally, opening up Android to Linux takes away the selectivity. While someone could answer Dalvik’s call with their own bytecode… opening up to Linux would put Android in a suicidal position. There is nothing stopping Android from being code-compatible with other mobile forms of Linux. That would take away any benefit from being tied to the OHA, and tied to Google. Then each manufacture would pick-and-mix their own mobile Linux distribution.
While that may be good for consumers… it wouldn’t be good for Google. And, thus, Linux will remain a background traffic cop, flowing only to Dalvik apps. Google seems to like the idea… it’s very profitable for them.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:06 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

geek porn? yeah and so what? the point is android is completely open source. Noone said we wanted to replace WM with it. We just want to be able to run it on our own hardware and also keep WM. Just like there are tons of people who dual boot windows and ubuntu.

Android will open up a whole new avenue of apps, just youtube the damn shizzit.

Jethro, maybe u need a nap? ive never seen u act so combative b4

and its a marketing system? come on, that could be partially true, wait, not even partially, we all know how google operates...

But your telling me that a connect the dots unlock program from andoid is pure marketing hype?

lol, please spare me.


Last edited by Success100; 10-30-2008 at 12:08 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
geek porn? yeah and so what? the point is android is completely open source. Noone said we wanted to replace WM with it. We just want to be able to run it on our own hardware and also keep WM. Just like there are tons of people who dual boot windows and ubuntu.

Android will open up a whole new avenue of apps, just youtube the damn shizzit.

Jethro, maybe u need a nap? ive never seen u act so combative b4
I'm cool bro. Just tryin to wake some people up.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:09 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

Alrighhhhhht. well lets not get too off topic
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 12:12 AM
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Re: I really want android on my phone... Don't you?

I apologize for the harsh intro. I am just not a biggy on android and a lot of people are being suckered by another with misconception about the android. I see some post that they use the browser on G1 and they are sold already. LOL with the browser? Ha Ha Ha.
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