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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:36 AM
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[Q] GSM Rom Convert To CDMA

I have seen a lot of great roms on XDA for the gsm diamond... great roms i'd like to test out. I was wondering is there an really real way to convert a gsm rom to CDMA or is there some one that would be willing to create a converter.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 12:05 PM
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Re: [Q] GSM Rom Convert To CDMA

Originally Posted by evilecho View Post
I have seen a lot of great roms on XDA for the gsm diamond... great roms i'd like to test out. I was wondering is there an really real way to convert a gsm rom to CDMA or is there some one that would be willing to create a converter.

I would imagine that one of the big-brained genius-types could get it done, but it would probably be easier for them to build one to spec, starting from scratch.

As the saying goes: ANY rom can be dumped, but the protection many of the chef's put in their roms would be the immediate (first) obstacle to overcome.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: [Q] GSM Rom Convert To CDMA

decompile and replace the xip and sys right?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 02:01 PM
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Re: [Q] GSM Rom Convert To CDMA

Originally Posted by hibby50 View Post
decompile and replace the xip and sys right?
Sys? No. XIP? Yes. The OEM Folders would probably have to be replaced too (OEMDrivers, OEMMISC, OEMVersion, etc). I'm running a 20764 Sys I extracted from a GSM rom.

There's a 'movement' in XDA for "Open" ROMs versus creating "Protected" ROMs. There are a few ROMs that are part of this 'movement'. I'm sure it would be pretty straightforward to create a tool to automate extracting the contents of a GSM ROM and re-building for use on a CDMA device. The XIP isn't that big of an issue, the bigger issue would be creating exceptions around stuff like programs that some networks won't support (ArcSoft MMS on Sprint for example).

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 04:17 PM
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Re: [Q] GSM Rom Convert To CDMA

Originally Posted by daryelv View Post
Sys? No. XIP? Yes. The OEM Folders would probably have to be replaced too (OEMDrivers, OEMMISC, OEMVersion, etc). I'm running a 20764 Sys I extracted from a GSM rom.

There's a 'movement' in XDA for "Open" ROMs versus creating "Protected" ROMs. There are a few ROMs that are part of this 'movement'. I'm sure it would be pretty straightforward to create a tool to automate extracting the contents of a GSM ROM and re-building for use on a CDMA device. The XIP isn't that big of an issue, the bigger issue would be creating exceptions around stuff like programs that some networks won't support (ArcSoft MMS on Sprint for example).

The problem with replacing the oem drivers is that some drivers are tied to specific versions of apps (SIP and Camera for example). It's a bigger task than you may think. If your not an experienced chef, you might just as well forget it.
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