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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:39 AM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

Originally Posted by toinejuan View Post
lots of bugs? and low battery life? The Diamond doesn't have many bugs at all, it's already been confirmed the heat issue is because of the radio. I just love how people who don't even own the device try to bash it. It doesn't have as long of a life because the rating on the battery is lower than the one on the Mogul. However, out of the box this thing is way faster, slimmer, sexier and just all around better than a Mogul. The main reason I am switching to the Pro is only because of the camera and having TV-Out and few other minor things. I have had my Diamond for over a month now, and it's the best PPC I've ever owned.
Why the hassle of defending it as if you were the owner of the brand? 10 hours battery life is not low for you? For me it lasted only 5 hours as I made a review on it. Maybe you just use it as a phone.
While tethering the batt charge can't keep up; the internet connection freezes once in a while; there's the heating issue (if it burns my cheeks, it's an issue for me); no SD card slot (an issue for me too).
Just notice that all posts are just personal opinions, the Diamond is not a Holly Grail that you have to protect from criticism. Don't judge too fast and say I never owned it. I even wrote a review for Latin American forums on it.
The camera is way better, the processor is better, the look is better, I give that to you, but it will take two or more updates on the device software and a solution on the heating issue to be atractive for me.

Last edited by hmotwr; 11-03-2008 at 10:02 AM.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 09:47 AM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

Originally Posted by toinejuan View Post
lots of bugs? and low battery life? The Diamond doesn't have many bugs at all, it's already been confirmed the heat issue is because of the radio.
where does htc (or sprint) confirm a heating isssue? and is something not a bug if someone confirms it?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:26 AM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

I'm staying with the Diamond. Slim, light and no bugs, glitches or freezes at all for me.

I saw a Touch Pro at BestBuy and that confirmed my decision - thicker, longer and too much chrome. And the keyboard seemed looser and cheaper in build quality than my old Mogul.

Last edited by willysp; 11-03-2008 at 10:30 AM.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

Originally Posted by opuscroakus View Post
Yes, it is charging it but the draw on the battery from tethering is greater than the charge rate from the USB port on the PC. Your battery will die while tethering.

Thats why I use the wall charger and wmwifirouter. If you keep the screen backlight off the phone will charge while surfing.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

I think i'm going to, after listening to everyone's "hate" on the Diamond about the Battery issues and heating issues and hearing how some people just got there phone as a "filler" phone till the TP came out it started to make me second guess my Diamond. However after more and more time went by I started to actually not care about the 2-3 more features that the TP offered and the issues with the Diamond didn't bother me. So I am going to keep mine
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 01:57 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

i'm 95% on keeping my diamond...I came from the mogul with the natural assumption that i'd move on to the TP when it came out... i've been back and forth to the sprint store the past few days trying to get a feel for the TP... the more i do the more i fall in love with the seamlessness of the diamond, i hate how the screen on the TP wiggles... i can live without tv-out, flash camera, and the other included software like the card scanner and other goodies will eventually be ported over... so yeah I'm staying put with the supposedly lesser device... the only thing if feels like i REALLY miss is No2chems's work unless he supports the TP AND the diamond... that is the biggest loss as i see it...
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

I like to chase the newest thing when I can, which for phones is every two years. Logically, the touchpro seemed like the best deal because for only 50 bucks more I could get a sd slot, video out, keyboard, and flash for the camera. It sounded like a no brainer, and like many others I counted the day when I could trade my diamond in for it.

I am so glad the best buy had one on display, because it let me know that I really don't like the size of the pro for a touch screen device. It is harder to navigate with one hand. And while I was a little more accurate with the keyboard, I hated the fact that I can't feel when I have hit a key. I like the color of the diamond better.

I went to the sprint store and played with one for twenty minutes, which included a lot of texting. If anything, the experience has let me know how much I like the diamond.

I think what some people miss on here is that the evaluation of a phone can be as much subjective as it is objective. The other issue is you have to know what you will use the phone for. I really don't know why I would use more than 4gigs of memory? For what? I don't want video out on my phone. What would I use that for?

So for the people who really want or need the pro go for it, but the diamond, with all of its imperfections is the phone for me- at least for now. The only real big problem I need them to fix is the gps lag, which will eventually have me fighting to get my money back if they don't fix it.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
....i hate how the screen on the TP wiggles...
I hear you - I was suprised when I first held a TP in my hands. Not impressed with the build quality.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 02:14 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

Originally Posted by cmanbrazil View Post
I like to chase the newest thing when I can, which for phones is every two years. Logically, the touchpro seemed like the best deal because for only 50 bucks more I could get a sd slot, video out, keyboard, and flash for the camera. It sounded like a no brainer, and like many others I counted the day when I could trade my diamond in for it.

I am so glad the best buy had one on display, because it let me know that I really don't like the size of the pro for a touch screen device. It is harder to navigate with one hand. And while I was a little more accurate with the keyboard, I hated the fact that I can't feel when I have hit a key. I like the color of the diamond better.

I went to the sprint store and played with one for twenty minutes, which included a lot of texting. If anything, the experience has let me know how much I like the diamond.

I think what some people miss on here is that the evaluation of a phone can be as much subjective as it is objective. The other issue is you have to know what you will use the phone for. I really don't know why I would use more than 4gigs of memory? For what? I don't want video out on my phone. What would I use that for?

So for the people who really want or need the pro go for it, but the diamond, with all of its imperfections is the phone for me- at least for now. The only real big problem I need them to fix is the gps lag, which will eventually have me fighting to get my money back if they don't fix it.
the gps lag will be fixed shortly as we get newer radios from test devices. I agree with you all the way here...
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 07:17 PM
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Re: Is Anyone Actually Keeping Their Diamond

just got my alltel one..i have no heating issues and my battery as lasted me since 7AM this morning and it is now 6:17pm with only 1 bar missing.....

i will be keeping this..
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