OK, please verify this: is the touchflo 3D still there when you stop the sprint customerization? For example, it has the Music tab which is for sprint music, and also sprint TV tab. Just can't beleive all tabs are still intact even you did not let Sprint customerization happen.
TF3D is there, and the Music tab and Opera tab were intact for me. The TV tab does not work, but I was able to create a short-cut for it and place it on the Programs tab. I don't use SMS, but I imagine you could do the same thing here. (To create a short-cut, use File Explorer to navigate to the SprintTV app in Internal Storage, copy it, navigate to Windows\StartMenu\Programs on your device, and choose "Paste shortcut". That will enable you to add the program in your Programs tab).
I then used TF3D Config app to get rid of the non-functioning SprintTV tab and reorder the tabs to my preferences.
PS: [Edit] I just realized that after I stopped the customization, I manually installed a bunch of Sprint programs to Internal Storage, some of which may explain why you are not getting the proper TF3D/Sprint integration. These files were the following cab files in device\windows folder: