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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 01:12 PM
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Deal Breaker Questions??

I have a few questions that i have about this phone for me and my girlfriend (touch pro prob will be the same)

#1 Is there a way to set individual ringtones for incoming calls, emails, text/mms msgs per contact

#2 Can you stop ringtones from playing for text mesgs...I.E. dismiss the msg and have the ringtone stop playing

#3 I know how to make themes for mogul & touch is this possible the same way on the diamond like setting pics for start menu & today screen and taking away the clock or changing the way the clock looks?

That's all i can think of right now but if anything else pops up in my head i'll extend the list.

Also i know the screen is a very high resolution so how much software support do we have for the phone games, programs etc...... Can i use olds programs from the mogul or touch on this phone???

Any info will be appreciated i want to decide if this is worth it or not
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

#1 You can set individual ring tones per contact for calls, but I don't think it's possible for text messages
#2 If you're asking whether you can have the ringtone for text messages silenced while continuing to have other ringtones work, the answer is yes. You can control all of the text message notifications (ringing, vibrating etc) completely separately from incoming calls.
#3 I'm not sure about this, but I think you can continue to make themes if you'd like. I know you can disable TouchFlo3D and go back to the standard Windows Mobile interface, meaning that you should be able to make themes for it. Someone with more knowledge on the subject can hopefully answer your question better.

As for the screen resolution issue, I think that most software is available in the VGA format as well as QVGA, so most of the software you use should be available (or might even work in the form you have it). It seems like a lot of software just scales from QVGA to VGA if it doesn't intrinsically support VGA.

I hope this helps! Good luck!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 03:39 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
I have a few questions that i have about this phone for me and my girlfriend (touch pro prob will be the same)

#1 Is there a way to set individual ringtones for incoming calls, emails, text/mms msgs per contact

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
#2 Can you stop ringtones from playing for text mesgs...I.E. dismiss the msg and have the ringtone stop playing?

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
#3 I know how to make themes for mogul & touch is this possible the same way on the diamond like setting pics for start menu & today screen and taking away the clock or changing the way the clock looks?

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
Also i know the screen is a very high resolution so how much software support do we have for the phone games, programs etc...... Can i use olds programs from the mogul or touch on this phone????
This one I don't know. I've never had a Mogul or Touch.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

1. Per contact, only for incoming calls, not text messages or emails. You can have a ringtone defined for a contact, but it is only used when they call, not for text messages or emails. There are applications you can purchase and load that will do this, however. Ringo is one that I tried, but I decided I did not really need that feature.

2. Pretty sure when you hit dismiss, it stops playing.

3. It depends on how much effort you are willing to put into it. There are a lot of people working on how to customize the default interface for the Diamond. Also, as mentioned above, you can always go back to the standard Window Mobile interface, which is pretty well known, as well as load any of the other interface shells out there, like PointUI or SPB Mobile Shell.

4. Most things work, but there are a few things that won't. There was a thread around here somewhere that asked what apps were VGA compatible. If there are any specific apps that are critical for you, you could ask, and I am sure someone has tested/used it.

Last edited by hankbear; 10-16-2008 at 04:10 PM. Reason: proof, proof, proof!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 04:38 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

Originally Posted by hankbear View Post
4. Most things work, but there are a few things that won't. There was a thread around here somewhere that asked what apps were VGA compatible. If there are any specific apps that are critical for you, you could ask, and I am sure someone has tested/used it.
That was me who asked about VGA compat apps... but they were specifially one's that i relied on. in general though i havent had trouple using any of the apps i used on my mogul... they just look crisper

Original VGA question thread:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 06:24 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

ok b/c i use photo contacts to have distinctive ringers like incoming, text per contact so i guess i can continue to use that hopefully, and i guess one more quesiton i just thought of is I seen you can have the phone's gsensor rotate while texting or do it manually which is the better option from you guys opinion???
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 06:26 PM
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Re: Deal Breaker Questions??

gyrator 2 HANDS DOWN! thread here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=40174
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