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Old 10-16-2008, 01:12 PM
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Deal Breaker Questions??

I have a few questions that i have about this phone for me and my girlfriend (touch pro prob will be the same)

#1 Is there a way to set individual ringtones for incoming calls, emails, text/mms msgs per contact

#2 Can you stop ringtones from playing for text mesgs...I.E. dismiss the msg and have the ringtone stop playing

#3 I know how to make themes for mogul & touch is this possible the same way on the diamond like setting pics for start menu & today screen and taking away the clock or changing the way the clock looks?

That's all i can think of right now but if anything else pops up in my head i'll extend the list.

Also i know the screen is a very high resolution so how much software support do we have for the phone games, programs etc...... Can i use olds programs from the mogul or touch on this phone???

Any info will be appreciated i want to decide if this is worth it or not
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