Re: Ok... New Problem when Plugged in USB...
Ok... that is really weird.
Do your contacts reappear when you're not in USB mode? If so, you could to a PIM backup, then restore while in USB mode. But still, I believe you have a defective unit.
Re: Ok... New Problem when Plugged in USB...
Re: Ok... New Problem when Plugged in USB...
God bless. Im glad Im not the only one experiencing these weird issues. I am waiting for the pro. I just wish I didnt have to. And there is no garuntee that this wont happen with the Pro, considering how alike these 2 devices are. |
Re: Ok... New Problem when Plugged in USB...
Re: Ok... New Problem when Plugged in USB...
Also Mobile Device Center might have overwritten all your contacts if nothing is set up in there.. I had that happen once, completely user error (in my instance) but something like that could also be happening.
But since you are having a ton of problems, I really would suggest getting another unit. It's not a phone wide problem, or many others would have already chimed in about this. It seems to be rare, either you are at fault, or extremely unlucky.
Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Motorola Q > Sprint Mogul > Sprint Touch > Sprint Touch Diamond > Sprint Hero > HTC EVO 4G