Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
Nobody else is having this problem? I guess that should relieve me then. Hopefully that means when my new phone comes it'll fix the problem. They Sprint store didn't have any in stock, and couldn't tell me how to get it replaced, so I talked to retentions and they're sending me a replacement.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
I had this problem happen once. It was in my pocket and it never rang until it said voice mail available.
I was not sure if perhaps it was ringing the headset. But I have that all disabled to always ring on the phone. There is definitely some flaky bahavior.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
I finally got my replacement today, and can happily say it did fix the problem. Calls will now ring on my end within 2 rings max. They didn't send a return kit with the new phone like they were supposed to though. I'm now wondering if I have to resubmit the MIR because this new phone came with a different packing slip. And if I decide to go to the Touch Pro will they use the date from my original phone, which won't be within 30 days, or the replacement which will. The date on the new packing slip is Sept. 27th.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
![]() Anyway, only change I made was the funnyfont on TF3D to the hand font from xda boards. I had made a backup before making that change so I did a restore, we'll see if I miss calls tomorrow then I think I have a problem. ![]() |
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
Actually, there are quite a few post for this problem in this forum. It is believed there will be a conflict if you install a software named "diamond config" or so. I have mine fixed.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
I did have Diamond Config installed when I had the problem, but also had it installed on the replacement they sent me and didn't have it. So it may cause the problem for some people, but in the case of my first Diamond it was definitely a hardware problem.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
I have DiamondTweak and TF3DConfig installed but I have had these installed since the get go. I've had phone since late September. The only thing I had changed recently was adding the cab for the handwriting font in TF3D. I removed that (used backup I had made before installing) so I'll see if the issue continues.
Re: Most calls go to voicemail. Anyone else?
are you by chance in 1x mode, or forced to roam? 1x doesnt support data and incoming phone calls at the same time. there is also a setting to prevent phone calls coming in when data is active under the phone settings...might want to check that
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