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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 09:03 AM
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Re: Browse like a desktop

skyfire works perfectly. it has been adapted recently to work on vga devices. It on an open beta too. Go install, works like a charm.

Don't just say "thanks" , hit the button. Thats what its there for =) and If you need some help, don't hesitate to PM me. =)
Guide to Downgrading/Reverting ROM for Warranty/Repair/Replacement

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: Browse like a desktop

Originally Posted by Tiberius85 View Post
in the browser goto the address opera:config

Goto the User Prefs

Scroll near the middle

Change Custom User Agent to: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 6.0; en)

Scroll to the very bottom of that section. Hit Save. Browse to a page formerly mobilized. SUCCESS!
This is what has to be done. As for Pandora, YouTube or any other flash intensive, media streaming web site I say use SkyFire as its the best for that sort of thing. I switch between both browsers. I always use Opera with the above mentioned User Agent and if I want to see a news video on msnbc, or cnn or just browse the full youtube site, etc. I use Skyfire as its proxy based rendering makes absolutely sure that sites get streamed to your phone exactly how they are seen on a desktop. I'd use it all the time but I like the graphic quality of Opera and its smart fit function works better. Skyfire is a little blury because it's a compressed image of the page wich is rendered on a proxy server, the slightly lowered image quality coupled with proxied rendering makes it blazingly fast though. If they can sharpen it up a bit visually and make the smart fit feature work better I'll switch over to it permanently.
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