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Browse like a desktop
How can I browse websites without them taking me to the mobile versions? (Example, Google calendar) The diamond has a great enough resolution where I don't think it needs these gimped versions of the websites.
Re: Browse like a desktop
opera already does this.... |
Re: Browse like a desktop
there is setting in opera to use both ways, check your settings
Re: Browse like a desktop
sky fire
Re: Browse like a desktop
I thought people said skyfire didn't play with the diamond?
Re: Browse like a desktop
As for Skyfire, it doesn't work as far as I know. I haven't tried to get my beta code sent to the Diamond though.
But I'm glad that there's an option for full sites instead of mobile ones. The layout of ESPN and CNN are much better in full versions than the mobile ones. |
Re: Browse like a desktop
syfire does work on my diamond,goto website and edit profile.
Re: Browse like a desktop
ok...i got my diamond to browse like a desktop by changing the User Agent to 3 and Custom-User Agent to SAMSUNG-SGH-i900/1.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Opera 9.5. the Custom-User Agent string is from my Orbit 2. my initial perception is that rendering is somewhat slower. below is pic of the msnbc.com website on the diamond before zooming in. below the picture is the content of my opera.ini file (which is where changes are stored). (if you try this, be sure to BACKUP your opera.ini file first!!). i'll continue testing to see if this works with other websites.
http://i33.tinypic.com/2ikxl39.jpg <---- Begin Opera.ini----> Opera Preferences version 2.1 ; Do not edit this file while Opera is running ; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding [Install] Preference URL=http://xml.opera.com/spoof/wince/?pnum=1053&version=9.50 Browser First Time Launch=0 [User Prefs] Default URL=http://www.sprint.com/powerdeck Ignore Unrequested Popups=1 Help URL=\Windows\Opera9\help\en\ Language File=\Windows\Opera9\locale\english.lng Warn Insecure Form=0 Rendering Mode=0 Maximum Allowed Tabs=3 Keyboard Orientation=0 UAProf URL=http://device.sprintpcs.com/HTC/MP6950SP/1096515.rdf UAProf URL Enabled=1 User JavaScript=1 Always load User JavaScript=1 BrowserJS Timestamp Last Check=1212034904924.000000 Overrides Timestamp=1204454187 Custom User-Agent=SAMSUNG-SGH-i900/1.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Opera 9.5 Download Directory=\Internal Storage\Music Minimum Font Size=9 Home URL=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ URL Type=1 [Cache] Document=7000 Figure=3000 [Disk Cache] Size=4000 Empty On Exit=1 [Security Prefs] Enable SSL v2=1 Enable SSL v3=1 Enable TLS v1.0=1 Enable TLS v1.1=0 [File Types] application/vnd.ms-powerpoint=4,\Windows\ppt.exe,,,ppt,| application/sdp=3,\windows\StreamingPlayer.exe,,,sdp,| application/x-sdp=3,\windows\StreamingPlayer.exe,,,sdp,| application/x-rtsp=3,\windows\StreamingPlayer.exe,,,sdp,| application/mheg=3,\windows\wmplayer.exe,,,mheg,| application/rstl=3,\windows\wmplayer.exe,,,rstl,| text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor=9,,,,jad,| application/java-archive=9,,,,jar,| audio/x-wav=0,,,,wav,| audio/midi=0,,,,midi,| audio/mid=0,,,,mid,| audio/wav=0,,,,wav,| audio/x-ms-wma=4,,,,wma,| video/3gpp=1,,,,3gp,| audio/wma=0,\windows\MusicGizmoUtility.exe,,,wma,| [File Types Extension] application/vnd.ms-powerpoint=,0 application/mheg=,0 application/rstl=,0 application/sdp=,0 text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor=\windows\appdb\,2 application/java-archive=\windows\appdb\,2 [Adaptive Zoom] Maximum Zoom=200 Minimum Zoom=160 Virtual Screen Width=960 Minimum overview Zoom=60 [Trusted Protocols] mms=1,0, rtsp=1,0, sprint="0,0,"\Windows\SprintMusicLauncher.exe"" [Network] Check Local HostName=1 Conn Mgr Auto Detect Network=1 Conn Mgr Attempt Timeout=60000 UA Post Platform=PPC [Colors] Highlighted Background=#23dc23 Highlighted Text=#ffffff [User Agent] Spoof UserAgent ID=3 <---- End Opera.ini----> |
Re: Browse like a desktop
Re: Browse like a desktop
looks like my changes don't work with every site... i'm still getting mobile sites vs. desktop. the search continues....
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