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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2010, 12:24 AM
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Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

By now, everyone is aware of the Screen issue on the Diamond as well as other Touch Devices. You know, the Rectangular defect that looks like Worms, or Oil on Water. I have already had a Diamond with the issue. It started out as a small rectangle in the Center of the Touch Screen, which eventually became larger, until the Touch Screen completely failed.
My present Diamond showed the beginning signs of this problem, so I brought it into Sprint to take advantage of my TEP. The Manager knew of the issue but the Cust. Rep in the store did not. The Manager told him to look at the Reason Drop Down Menu and check the box that says "Garbled Screen."
I don't know how long that tic box has been available as a reason code, but it's good that Sprint Officially acknowledges the problem.
Now when the problem presents itself, instead of saying Worms, or Oil on Water, I could tell Sprint I have a Garbled Screen,
For what it's worth, I was told that the HTC Pro2 has not had these issues, meaning Sprint has fixed the problem. I wonder what the fix was??
I do know that other touch screens have had similar issues, regarding the touch screen layers separating.
With that being said, I wish Sprint would come out with a new WinMo device already, because I cannot activate the other High End devices without changing my plan (although there are none that I would buy anyway,) which is Completely Bogus..........But that topic is for another thread
Sprint HTC Diamond
Stock ROM v2.00.651.7
Stock Radio v1.11.00F
And a few registry tweaks

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2010, 01:21 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

Honestly, I don't think that this issue will ever go away as long as these devices still have plastic screens. Over time the separation of layers in the digitizers will happen with changes in temperature and the occasional and even accidental application of too much pressure in a particular spot. The manufacturers have known this since day 1 but rely on the fact that users will probably switch devices within 1 to 2 years which makes the issue irrelavent.
They need to make devices with glass screens. They would be hard to scratch and this seperation problem would not be an issue.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2010, 02:54 AM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

I hear ya.
What's up Doc?

The Manager at the Sprint store did say that PRO2 seems to not have this issue.
I got my first Diamond in October 2008.
I am on my 4th Diamond.
2 Diamonds got the Worms
and 1 Diamond had a magnet that dislodged.
3 failures in 17 months. Not such a good track record
BUT I still like the Diamond. There is nothing else that Sprint has to offer that I would be happy with.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

This is good to know...I tried to get my phone replaced for this reason and my repair center said no go. My sprint store claimed they no longer did phone claims. I've done many with the same issue back to the vogue. Was this at a Sprint store or repair center and did they charge for the fix/exchange?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

Originally Posted by jdw7985 View Post
This is good to know...I tried to get my phone replaced for this reason and my repair center said no go. My sprint store claimed they no longer did phone claims. I've done many with the same issue back to the vogue. Was this at a Sprint store or repair center and did they charge for the fix/exchange?
It was at a Sprint store that also does Service/Repair.
Many Sprint Stores don't have a Service/Repair Department.
So you have to go to a Sprint Store that does.
I was told to come back in 1 hour to pick up the replacement.
I ate at Outback for $35 frigg'n dollars only to go back to Sprint and have them say that they did not have a Diamond in stock, and they would order one for me. I would have it in a day. I then had to re-activate the good Diamond i walked in with, which took another 45 minutes. I don't know what the issue was regarding that!
Next time tell me you don't have a Diamond in stock, and save everyone a bunch of wasted time!!

**Remember to ask the Sprint Rep at the store if they have a Diamond in stock, so you don't waste your time waiting for an immediate replacement that doesn't exist. Waiting a day or so is fine, BUT they should let you know before they give you the Standard 'Come Back in an Hour" Line.

Next time I'll ask
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 12:26 AM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

you said the sprint rep said the tp2 doesnt have the issue? (pls dont take his word 4 it nor anything "they" have 2 say. they all arent that reputable) oh and anyways i do believe i did see a 'garbled screen' in the tp2 forums but it was last year sum time (i think). and if the rep was telling you this he was prolly trying for you to upgrade, make you spend $$$. dont get me wrong its a great phone but you cant believe a single word they have 2 say (at least i dont) whenever i need 2 go 2 a sprint store, i go outta my way to ask questions bout my phone (that i already kno the answer 2) just so i can hear the bs they say, just so i can show them they dont kno wat they talking bout

edit; i hated that oil slick, it plagued my vogue
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 12:45 AM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

the screen issue was a known problem and supposidly they at least attempted to fix the problem with the oily screen. According to when I looked at the stuff on the phone's Known issues in the system (when I worked for sprint). it said htc redisigned the manufacture of the parts that had the oily problem but maybe it didn't work.

I have been lucky I have only had the 1 diamond. I'm generally more gentle on phones than a lot of people though. And maybe just have had some decent luck.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 03:17 PM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
you said the sprint rep said the tp2 doesnt have the issue? (pls dont take his word 4 it nor anything "they" have 2 say. they all arent that reputable) oh and anyways i do believe i did see a 'garbled screen' in the tp2 forums but it was last year sum time (i think). and if the rep was telling you this he was prolly trying for you to upgrade, make you spend $$$. dont get me wrong its a great phone but you cant believe a single word they have 2 say (at least i dont) whenever i need 2 go 2 a sprint store, i go outta my way to ask questions bout my phone (that i already kno the answer 2) just so i can hear the bs they say, just so i can show them they dont kno wat they talking bout

edit; i hated that oil slick, it plagued my vogue
I understand re: not believing what most of the reps tell you.
BUT in this case, I have known the store manager I asked for over a year. He is pretty straight forward with me. I had said that many models with the touch screen were having these issues; BlackBerries, Touches, etc.
He said that the TP2 seems to have solved the issue as he has not seen any come back with the problem.
If the TP2 still has the problem, it most likely isn't as frequent, and maybe when the problem is popping up, the cause may? be different than what it was previously.
Btw, I have no interest in the TP2 or a device with a Physical keyboard (I may be in the Minority )
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 04:57 PM
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Re: Diamond Worms Are Known as "Garbled Screen"

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
I understand re: not believing what most of the reps tell you.
BUT in this case, I have known the store manager I asked for over a year. He is pretty straight forward with me. I had said that many models with the touch screen were having these issues; BlackBerries, Touches, etc.
He said that the TP2 seems to have solved the issue as he has not seen any come back with the problem.
If the TP2 still has the problem, it most likely isn't as frequent, and maybe when the problem is popping up, the cause may? be different than what it was previously.
Btw, I have no interest in the TP2 or a device with a Physical keyboard (I may be in the Minority )
ok so it wasnt a random rep, thats gud. yea i just thought i remember sum1 posting a ss of the same issue @ 1 point...

its annoying as phuck; my vogue (not activated) has it, now i noticed my girls diamond has it. i'll be pissed if it happens 2 me agian

2 tell you da truth i was never (still not) a kb person. i dont txt alot, dont email alot...in fact dont use the kb alot. wat sold me was the screen size and the tilt. i had the vogue b4 and i just wanted a bigger/clearer screen. the kb is nice when i rarely need to email and i use the tilt to watch movies w/ my girl b4 bed...but agian i got it 1st when it came out so this fall if anything is released that i like i can upgrade
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