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eric12341 07-23-2012 03:23 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by austin420 (Post 2183770)
Why would I be on wpcentral? I don't own a wp device, so no reason to be there. I'm not a troll. I have a reason to be here. I do after all own several smart phones and this is a smartphone enthusiast forum.
What most of us are trying to figure out, is what you are doing here on a mostly android forum...

Sent from my PG86100 on the PPCGeeks App

Ok you don't own a WP device so why are you posting here in this section? I rarely post in android and when I do it's not to talk shit, I also still post in the TP2 section.

orangekid 07-23-2012 03:54 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
you two would argue over what shade of green is the best...

austin420 07-23-2012 04:00 PM

Its a tie between huntr green and harlyquinn green.

Sent from my PG86100 on the PPCGeeks App

NinjaMom 07-23-2012 04:23 PM

Eric and Austin,

I would recommend ignoring each other... Just some friendly advice.

Everyone else... Lay off the personal attacks... They are against the site rules.

orangekid 07-23-2012 05:31 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
I wouldn't fire off any unsavory PMs to any mods either, I've heard that can get you banned :)

eric12341 07-23-2012 05:55 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by orangekid (Post 2183820)
I wouldn't fire off any unsavory PMs to any mods either, I've heard that can get you banned :)

Now why would I do that?

NinjaMom 07-23-2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 2183825)
Now why would I do that?

Nobody said you would... But the constant bickering needs to stop.

eric12341 07-23-2012 07:44 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by NinjaMom (Post 2183826)
Nobody said you would... But the constant bickering needs to stop.

This thread actually needs to be closed as it originally was created to rant about a problem that has since been resolved. Now it's just a negative thread to bring down the platform like the very first threads in this section had done.

orangekid 07-24-2012 09:45 AM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 2183829)
This thread actually needs to be closed as it originally was created to rant about a problem that has since been resolved. Now it's just a negative thread to bring down the platform like the very first threads in this section had done.

Actually you make a good point, but instead of closed it should probably be moved to phone comparison or something.

gullzway 08-03-2012 12:57 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
As an Android fan with that has owned a Moment, Epic, now Epic Touch, I'm quite impressed with the HTC Arrive I just bought for my wife. It's fast, simple, and does just about everything my GS2 does. The only drawbacks I see so far are the smaller screen and lack of Flash Video. The lacking flash video would keep it from being my primary phone as I use it to watch live sports,UFC events, and stream TV shows and movies from certain websites.

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