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-   -   My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=149187)

sircas 02-17-2012 07:16 PM

My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
I love the HTC product line. Coming from the Pro 2 Windows mobil to a Window phone was not the same. Android O/S is more like the window mobile. I started to get the Android HTC evo 4g or Android HTC Shift. The windows has been alright. I have not been able to get any update let lone Mango to update on the my HTC Arrive.

I upgraded 2 Pro 2 phones for 2 HTC Arrives for me and the wife. My wife likes the Facebook capabilities. I miss the Bells & Wristles. We can not even get our custom ring tone. Customer service for the Window phone/Sprint/Zune sucks!!

We will bite the bullet soon and ebay 2 Android HTC phones (Ev0 4g or Shift)! Definetely no more window phones for me! There was my Rant! Hopefully other have had better luck!

I have notice 1 thing about the HTC Arrive forum: It's Dead over hear compared to the Pro 2 forum. Given all the thread in the Pro 2 forum regarding the HTC Arrive! I believe it has been all around disappointment! Seems like Microsoft was more interested in selling music & snooping in your pics for nuddies!!

eric12341 02-17-2012 09:51 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
Full of misinformation here. Microsoft doesn't snoop anything, its google that does and then sells ur information and contacts to advertisers, this was all over the news recently. U should be able to get the mango update on the arrive very easily. Maybe u already have it, what does it say under about?

Try the solution here:


If that doesn't work try installing Zune again and maybe try to get sprint to replace it with an arrive that has mango already on it. Do this before giving up as there are really great things planned ahead for the windows ecosystem.

rootlinux 02-17-2012 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by sircas (Post 2169427)
I love the HTC product line. Coming from the Pro 2 Windows mobil to a Window phone was not the same. Android O/S is more like the window mobile. I started to get the Android HTC evo 4g or Android HTC Shift. The windows has been alright. I have not been able to get any update let lone Mango to update on the my HTC Arrive.

I upgraded 2 Pro 2 phones for 2 HTC Arrives for me and the wife. My wife likes the Facebook capabilities. I miss the Bells & Wristles. We can not even get our custom ring tone. Customer service for the Window phone/Sprint/Zune sucks!!

We will bite the bullet soon and ebay 2 Android HTC phones (Ev0 4g or Shift)! Definetely no more window phones for me! There was my Rant! Hopefully other have had better luck!

I have notice 1 thing about the HTC Arrive forum: It's Dead over hear compared to the Pro 2 forum. Given all the thread in the Pro 2 forum regarding the HTC Arrive! I believe it has been all around disappointment! Seems like Microsoft was more interested in selling music & snooping in your pics for nuddies!!

I would get the EVO 4G, 4G Design or 3D as the shift has less cpu power and no front cam.
Unless you want a slider but it is less of a device than the rest of the EVO lineup.

dtrush 02-21-2012 04:35 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
Sorry about your WP7 experience. Mine so far has been fantastic compared to my Windows Mobile overall good experience and Android nightmares with my Wife's EVO 4G.

Please, whatever you do purchase a dual-core Android device with sufficient RAM or your experience will greatly suffer.

Now that I've used WP7 it would be painful to change my thought processes back to how phones used to be designed and to have to deal with the outdated and inefficient way to accomplish tasks on the other systems.

I just did the HSPL on my Arrive last night and installed my first custom rom. I didn't NEED one but what I was trying to accomplish was to eliminate the listening to music slide open keyboard stop music bug(fixed). I also hoped the calendar was better = Is slightly with all day appointments showing on day screen now:)
Looking for 1 more thing to fix which is the 160 character limit on texts problem and I'd be super happy. No real need to fix what's not broken:cheers:

twiztid420 02-21-2012 06:06 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by dtrush (Post 2169920)
Sorry about your WP7 experience. Mine so far has been fantastic compared to my Windows Mobile overall good experience and Android nightmares with my Wife's EVO 4G.

Please, whatever you do purchase a dual-core Android device with sufficient RAM or your experience will greatly suffer.

Now that I've used WP7 it would be painful to change my thought processes back to how phones used to be designed and to have to deal with the outdated and inefficient way to accomplish tasks on the other systems.

I just did the HSPL on my Arrive last night and installed my first custom rom. I didn't NEED one but what I was trying to accomplish was to eliminate the listening to music slide open keyboard stop music bug(fixed). I also hoped the calendar was better = Is slightly with all day appointments showing on day screen now:)
Looking for 1 more thing to fix which is the 160 character limit on texts problem and I'd be super happy. No real need to fix what's not broken:cheers:

This can also add the Important for some people Internet Sharing Feature. So it allow your Phone to turn into a Wireless WAN connection if you want it to.

Elbimster 02-21-2012 07:28 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by sircas (Post 2169427)
I love the HTC product line. Coming from the Pro 2 Windows mobil to a Window phone was not the same. Android O/S is more like the window mobile. I started to get the Android HTC evo 4g or Android HTC Shift. The windows has been alright. I have not been able to get any update let lone Mango to update on the my HTC Arrive.

I upgraded 2 Pro 2 phones for 2 HTC Arrives for me and the wife. My wife likes the Facebook capabilities. I miss the Bells & Wristles. We can not even get our custom ring tone. Customer service for the Window phone/Sprint/Zune sucks!!

We will bite the bullet soon and ebay 2 Android HTC phones (Ev0 4g or Shift)! Definetely no more window phones for me! There was my Rant! Hopefully other have had better luck!

I have notice 1 thing about the HTC Arrive forum: It's Dead over hear compared to the Pro 2 forum. Given all the thread in the Pro 2 forum regarding the HTC Arrive! I believe it has been all around disappointment! Seems like Microsoft was more interested in selling music & snooping in your pics for nuddies!!

Good luck on Android. I went from 5 years loving Windows Mobile (dating back to HTC/Audiovox PPC-6600, then 6700, Mogul, Touch Pro, and Touch Pro 2). I went to Android after the TP2, and had an Evo 4G for a year. If you think going to Android is going to give you an experience closer to WM, you couldn't be more wrong. Plus, you'll want to make sure you pick up an extended battery. If you get 12 hours of battery life from an Android phone with data turned on, you're doing pretty well (and what's the point in having a smartphone if you can't use data?)

Out of curiosity, have you tried taking your Arrives into a Sprint store and saying "Hi, I haven't been able to get the Mango update on this. Could you all install it for me?"

eric12341 02-21-2012 10:11 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
He hasn't came back to the thread so I guess he was trying to troll.

steveo70 02-22-2012 03:59 AM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 2169977)
He hasn't came back to the thread so I guess he was trying to troll.

Hmm? This has happened in previous OP threads. Who knows?

esqueue 02-23-2012 01:59 AM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
I'm stuck with sprint due to my awesome plan and their service is actually works fell on my device. I do have an arrive but really miss the things that the arrive lack. I love it's reliability but hate that it is virtually dead. Since there is virtually zero support for this phone I will have to go with android with my next phone. I hate the evo though so it will have to be something else.

eric12341 02-28-2012 03:24 PM

Re: My next phone will not be Windows! I am going Android
@esqueue why go android with the fact that there's now custom roms and with W8 in the future? There are tons of great things in the future for the MS ecosystem.

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