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View Poll Results: Are you going to get the Evo 3D?
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2011, 09:41 PM
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Any Arrive user going to get the EVO 3D?

Any Arrive user going to get the Evo 3D coming to Sprint on 24th?
HTC Evo LTE > (Dell x51v → Motorola Q (Verizon) → Mogul → 800w → Treo Pro → Touch Pro 2 → EVO 3D (SERO) ) > iPhone 5

Last edited by chong67; 06-06-2011 at 10:01 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2011, 11:10 PM
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Not a chance. I am liking this phone more than I ever thought I would. I will patiently wait on Mango. Same reason I passed on the EVO. I am going to buy the wife one because she complains too much about her EVO and I get it as a hobby. Always did want to flash and play with Android but she won't have any part of that after my countless hrs flashing the TP2. I just don't like Android as an everyday OS over WP7.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Not a chance. I am liking this phone more than I ever thought I would. I will patiently wait on Mango. Same reason I passed on the EVO. I am going to buy the wife one because she complains too much about her EVO and I get it as a hobby. Always did want to flash and play with Android but she won't have any part of that after my countless hrs flashing the TP2. I just don't like Android as an everyday OS over WP7.

Arrived from my T7575 using Board Express
I understand you really like the arrive. It is a really nice phone. Its going to be even better with the mango update if windows pushes it to this phone. But speak for yourself when you say evo is more of a hobby and you can't use it as a regular daily use os. I have had no issues with my evo when I had the stock rom and with a custom rom it kicks butt. If a survey was done right now most people would take evo over arrive. With that said, its a matter of preference. When windows phone 7 gets mango update the possibilities will be endless when it comes to picking a phone. This will be good for consumers overall as companies will fight for your loyalty. Some people will choose windows, others will choose ios others android and others webos. There isn't just one os that does everything. Some just get closer than others. When you can easily tether on wp7 then you can start putting on the same level as android or ios but until then, speak for yourself.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 12:48 AM
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Re: Any Arrive user going to get the EVO 3D?

there's a poll like this in the TP2 section and the arrive is voted higher than the EVO. why do ppl continuously start threads to irritate the wp7 community and nothing whatsoever is being done about it except for the perpetrators getting a slap on the wrist? This is why Dr.8820 doesn't come here anymore.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 12:49 AM
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Re: Any Arrive user going to get the EVO 3D?

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
I understand you really like the arrive. It is a really nice phone. Its going to be even better with the mango update if windows pushes it to this phone. But speak for yourself when you say evo is more of a hobby and you can't use it as a regular daily use os. I have had no issues with my evo when I had the stock rom and with a custom rom it kicks butt. If a survey was done right now most people would take evo over arrive. With that said, its a matter of preference. When windows phone 7 gets mango update the possibilities will be endless when it comes to picking a phone. This will be good for consumers overall as companies will fight for your loyalty. Some people will choose windows, others will choose ios others android and others webos. There isn't just one os that does everything. Some just get closer than others. When you can easily tether on wp7 then you can start putting on the same level as android or ios but until then, speak for yourself.

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Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Not a chance. I am liking this phone more than I ever thought I would. I will patiently wait on Mango. Same reason I passed on the EVO. I am going to buy the wife one because SHE complains too much about her EVO and I get it as a hobby. Always did want to flash and play with Android but she won't have any part of that after my countless hrs flashing the TP2. I just don't like Android as an everyday OS over WP7.

Arrived from my T7575 using Board Express
Before you try to turn this into a Aggie/Eric thread please reread my post. I did speak for myself and never bashed Android. I also stated she is the one that complains but doesn't want me messing with it. Lastly, I spoke for myself stating that I do not like it for my everyday phone. My wife or plenty of other Android users love it. She hates my Arrive. OP asked if anyone was leaving the Arrive for the EVO3D. I said no, stated my reason for not but expressed joy of having a spare EVO around to learn the OS and customize it. A lot of people do not have that fortune. What is the tethering remark for? I never claimed WP7 was superior or could do more than Android. Sounds to me like you either misread the post or just want to flame. I will consider this this disagreement over. Sorry if you felt offended.

Last edited by steveo70; 06-07-2011 at 12:55 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: Any Arrive user going to get the EVO 3D?

we also have the right to bash Android here since this is the windows phone 7 section of the site and not the Android section. we have more class than to go over to Android and bash it. that's plain ignorant and childish. [Mod Edit: removed - Lets not go there again shall we?] will be coming to this thread to bash and expect them to not get dealt with because they have free roam here.

Last edited by gTen; 06-07-2011 at 02:49 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 01:59 AM
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Re: Any Arrive user going to get the EVO 3D?

I am going to close this, personally I don't like closing threads and would rather just move them but in this case the Arrive is a brand new device and people recently signed their contract..to instigate for them to switch to a specific phone does nothing but cause hostility...

Also, please refrain from calling out people who are not currently participating in a discussion..mostly in a negative manner..

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