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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2011, 08:15 PM
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Question Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
Yep, Mango should fix everything. Landscape and all
Sounds promising. Does the Mango beta allow for 3rd party codecs and video/audio players or is Zune the only option? Also, does it allow for non-hack usb/pc connection ability?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2011, 11:40 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
Sounds promising. Does the Mango beta allow for 3rd party codecs and video/audio players or is Zune the only option? Also, does it allow for non-hack usb/pc connection ability?
Yes it actually does.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 10:36 AM
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Wink Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by esqueue View Post
Yes it actually does.

Now, the Windows Phone OS might be getting a lot better!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 02:46 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
Now, the Windows Phone OS might be getting a lot better!
yea the only complaints im seeing now over at xda are:

-internet explorer bar is at the bottom instead of top
-accidental triggering of capacitive buttons (android phones have this too)
-search button not customizable
-multitask list not able to close apps without going to them and backing out (apps don't need to be closed in wp7 like they do on android and wm, apps are frozen and do not take up any resources in this state. but those who complain fail to realize that)
-applist only arranges apps alphabetically and not by use or categories (i think most used apps should be pinned)

so these complaints are mostly minor and all the pre Mango beta complaints are gone.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 04:04 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Would there be a chance of seeing something akin to an iPOD type speaker setup so you could conceivably plug your phone(mini USB) into a docking staion and play your music through larger speakers?

Really, what's the point of having a music player that is tethered to ear phones all the time.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 05:46 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
Would there be a chance of seeing something akin to an iPOD type speaker setup so you could conceivably plug your phone(mini USB) into a docking staion and play your music through larger speakers?

Really, what's the point of having a music player that is tethered to ear phones all the time.
cause its portable?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 05:51 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
Would there be a chance of seeing something akin to an iPOD type speaker setup so you could conceivably plug your phone(mini USB) into a docking staion and play your music through larger speakers?

Really, what's the point of having a music player that is tethered to ear phones all the time.
the sound from those systems don't really sound much better than an HDTV's speakers, the best way to listen to music is when it's connected via the headphone jack to a full fledged stereo system or when it's tethered via BT to a BT compatible stereo system.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

I was thinking something more similar to a Bose type docking station, only maybe not quite as expensive. Something I could keep in the Garage or out by the pool area so I could just plug in the phone and listen to the tunes or even the radio on it. You know, places where you wouldn't want to have your ear plugs in. I've tried listening to the Ihart and other type radios players on my phone through the BT of my Bronco's radio and it's OK, but nothing I'd call quality. I haven't really loaded much music on it yet since I'm still learning about the WP7 and don't want to load up the SD card before I know what I'm really doing. Sort of a throwback that I'm worried there would be some degradation like with the old WM systems when you loaded up the system with a lot of programs.

Last edited by JohnMcD348; 08-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 09:58 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
I was thinking something more similar to a Bose type docking station, only maybe not quite as expensive. Something I could keep in the Garage or out by the pool area so I could just plug in the phone and listen to the tunes or even the radio on it. You know, places where you wouldn't want to have your ear plugs in. I've tried listening to the Ihart and other type radios players on my phone through the BT of my Bronco's radio and it's OK, but nothing I'd call quality. I haven't really loaded much music on it yet since I'm still learning about the WP7 and don't want to load up the SD card before I know what I'm really doing. Sort of a throwback that I'm worried there would be some degradation like with the old WM systems when you loaded up the system with a lot of programs.
if ur using iheartradio or similar apps. those local FM radio stations often stream in sub-CD quality so that's why it sounded the way it did. they do this intentionally so people would buy the HD radios because if they broadcasted online in high quality no one would get an HD radio.

as for the SD there's no type of degradation at all and I have about 5.5GB free.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 11:23 PM
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Re: Arrive headphone volume problem confirmed

yeah, unfortunately, when they did the switch to HD signals, they also decreased their power outputs and I can't really get much in the way of HD radio. Heck even the local OTA radio frequencies don't come in as good as they used to.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Phone 7 > WP7 HTC Devices > HTC Arrive/7 Pro

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