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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 02:49 PM
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Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

I picked mine up on the Monday it came out. So here are my impressions.

First off, I am surprised to say that it has replaced my iPod. Since the Arrive comes with a radio and can also sync with Zune, I haven't charged my iPod since I bought the phone. This is really surprising to me because I loved my iPod being able to play music + all the other stuff. But, the Zune integration with the phone makes it so easy to use that, well, the iPod is sidelined. The radio is also a big plus for me.

Second, the keyboard and phone and a worthy replacement to my TouchPro2. The keyboard is wonderful. But where the phone really blows the old TP2 out of the water is with the OS. When I had the TP2 I would be hard resetting almost 2 times a day. It was awful. Windows Phone 7 has yet to require a hard reset and if I did not decide to turn off the phone, it would never run out of battery, which brings me to my 3rd point.

Third, the battery life on this thing is amazing. I can use the radio, make phone calls, listen to Zune music, and text as well as use the GPS Navigation App and STILL the battery will not need to be charged until the next morning. It is very impressive.

Fourth, e-mail works without a hitch. I can sync it to my school e-mail without a problem which wasn't true with my TP2 OR my iPod. It also gives the option of only syncing with contacts that have matching names when it comes to Facebook which is a much loved feature in my opinion.

The few caveats I have are this. 1) The whole phone won't work in landscape, but I assume this will be fixed in an update from Microsoft. If that doesn't happen, well, no big deal. 2) Radio use requires the headphones. Again, not a big deal, but if I want to use the radio with the speakerphone on the back I still have to have the earbuds plugged in. 3) The bottom buttons are a little bit sensitive to the point where I could be typing a text on the virtual keyboard and accidentally my palm would set off the bottom buttons.

Overall, I am quite impressed with the phone, especially coming from a TP2. It is a solid piece of hardware with a bunch of great features in the OS.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 05:12 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

Thanks for the update bro... I couldn't wait for Sprint to get WP7 and I was having alot of trouble with my TP2... So I went EVO.
I will get the first WP7 phone that Sprint carries that has a 4.3" screen and is slim and sexy.
Having said that... I too love my music and I have a 16 gb card loaded with MP3s I run Pandora and Slacker as well as soundcloud...
The FM tuner is a definite PLUS. But having to use the headphones is kind of a pain.

So... When I'm getting ready in the morning... I run tunein... It's a web based global tuner kinda like Wunder Radio.

They have it for WP7 and it is worth checking it out. There is a slight delay and you don't get to hear your local commercials but it is crystal clear and you can listen on the phones' builtin speakers.

Check it out --->>> TuneIn Radio - Windows

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 05:15 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows Phone OS 7.0; Trident/3.1; IEMobile/7.0; HTC; T7575))

I agreed 100% with the all around performance of the my HTC arrive. I'm also happy to see another satiated users and not someone complaining bout no unlocked, custom roms, etc.

I'm also extremely happy with the UI, wp7 OS combined with the snapdragon. This is my first experience with Zune and I never used iTunes, I quickly got the hang of it. Battery issues I had with the Evo and TP2 is a thing of the past. Also the WP7 and cloud technology is a milestone in itself. The future is bright and I'm riding this train still high noon .

With that being said it good to see another happy camper.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 05:50 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

I got my arrive the day it came out. The most amazing thing to me so far is something you stated, I havent had to reset this phone 1 time since I got it. I had the mogul, diamond, touch pro, touch pro 2 and I was all the time messing with it, this phone just works, I dont feel the need to modify it.
Tethering would be nice, it will come with time. I will sign up as a developer at some point if thats what it takes, apperently right now that doesnt even work. But in the mean time I like everything about the phone, no regrets changing over from the tp2.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 06:52 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

My wife, friend of mine, and myself all have the Arrive. I don't think any of us have had to reboot once It works smoothly. There are a few things that I would like, but overall I am very satisfied.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 07:53 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

had my arrive also since the stormy day it came out. absolutely no complaints about its performance and I haven't really been able to put it down since then. only complaint is that sprint still has not fixed the service issues in my area as a result of the famous 2/1 blizzard of 2011. this has been the result of slow internet performance, poor battery life and overheating. calling to find out when it would be fixed resulted in my data not working at all and which necessitated a hard reset.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 09:31 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

Absolutely love my arrive to death. I only have one real complaint with wp7 not the actual arrive. Smart dialing, how that feature wasnt included is beyond me. It needs to be added asap.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

I had mine for two weeks and I love it too. But I have to sometimes reboot. Seems to be stuck on the lock screen and I cannot swipe up to unlock or do anything but reboot.

ALso a Hotspot or teterhing would be nice to have. And Skype would be a great addtion too. Otherwise it is not a bad phone and I love the os finnally.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 11:49 PM
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I really wanted to get a wp7 device. I think when the evo3d comes out I will buy that and get rid of my current evo for wp7

Tapa tapa tapa
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2011, 02:46 AM
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

Originally Posted by InsomniacJedi View Post
I picked mine up on the Monday it came out. So here are my impressions.

First off, I am surprised to say that it has replaced my iPod. Since the Arrive comes with a radio and can also sync with Zune, I haven't charged my iPod since I bought the phone. This is really surprising to me because I loved my iPod being able to play music + all the other stuff. But, the Zune integration with the phone makes it so easy to use that, well, the iPod is sidelined. The radio is also a big plus for me.

Second, the keyboard and phone and a worthy replacement to my TouchPro2. The keyboard is wonderful. But where the phone really blows the old TP2 out of the water is with the OS. When I had the TP2 I would be hard resetting almost 2 times a day. It was awful. Windows Phone 7 has yet to require a hard reset and if I did not decide to turn off the phone, it would never run out of battery, which brings me to my 3rd point.

Third, the battery life on this thing is amazing. I can use the radio, make phone calls, listen to Zune music, and text as well as use the GPS Navigation App and STILL the battery will not need to be charged until the next morning. It is very impressive.

Fourth, e-mail works without a hitch. I can sync it to my school e-mail without a problem which wasn't true with my TP2 OR my iPod. It also gives the option of only syncing with contacts that have matching names when it comes to Facebook which is a much loved feature in my opinion.

The few caveats I have are this. 1) The whole phone won't work in landscape, but I assume this will be fixed in an update from Microsoft. If that doesn't happen, well, no big deal. 2) Radio use requires the headphones. Again, not a big deal, but if I want to use the radio with the speakerphone on the back I still have to have the earbuds plugged in. 3) The bottom buttons are a little bit sensitive to the point where I could be typing a text on the virtual keyboard and accidentally my palm would set off the bottom buttons.

Overall, I am quite impressed with the phone, especially coming from a TP2. It is a solid piece of hardware with a bunch of great features in the OS.
Well spoken. Loving mine. I use the radio frequently. I hated having to have to have earbuds plugged in for speakerphone as well, so I grabbed an old pair that came with my TP2 and cut the cord off. Now I don't have to deal with the cord and haven't had any reception problems either. Also has a 90 degree turn so it's not too intrusive.
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