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Old 04-04-2011, 05:12 PM
Stupid-Ass Skull Cruncha
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Re: Alright, I've spent over 2 weeks with the phone now...

Thanks for the update bro... I couldn't wait for Sprint to get WP7 and I was having alot of trouble with my TP2... So I went EVO.
I will get the first WP7 phone that Sprint carries that has a 4.3" screen and is slim and sexy.
Having said that... I too love my music and I have a 16 gb card loaded with MP3s I run Pandora and Slacker as well as soundcloud...
The FM tuner is a definite PLUS. But having to use the headphones is kind of a pain.

So... When I'm getting ready in the morning... I run tunein... It's a web based global tuner kinda like Wunder Radio.

They have it for WP7 and it is worth checking it out. There is a slight delay and you don't get to hear your local commercials but it is crystal clear and you can listen on the phones' builtin speakers.

Check it out --->>> TuneIn Radio - Windows

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